Reviews for Browsec VPN - Free VPN for Firefox
Browsec VPN - Free VPN for Firefox by Browsec Inc
742 reviews
Developer response
posted 4 years agoWe offer the following virtual countries for free: Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States. More countries are available for Premium users. You can get Premium and test it risk-free: we have a 7-day money-back guarantee, so we'll refund if you're not satisfied.- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 16829079, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Эндрю, 4 years agoкороче оно не работает, так- же вашь трафик будет заблокирован. Просит разрешения которые ему не положены. Еще админ пдр
Developer response
posted 4 years agoHello, We're sorry that you were upset with the speed. We do not deliberately lower the speed. On free servers, this is due to high user load. Most likely, you were caught at the moment of peak load. For best results, we recommend referring to country availability indicators in the list. Please also keep in mind premium servers provide much higher speed due to lower user load and priority service. You can try Premium risk-free - we have a 7-day money-back guarantee.
Здравствуйте. Нам жаль, что вы остались недовольны скоростью. Мы не занижаем скорость умышленно, на бесплатных серверах это обусловлено большим количеством пользователей. Скорее всего, вы попали на момент пиковой нагрузки. Для оптимальных результатов мы рекомендуем ориентироваться на индикаторы доступности стран в списке. Также нужно учитывать, что на премиум-серверах скорость гораздо выше за счёт меньшей нагрузки и приоритетного обслуживания. Премиум можно купить и попробовать без риска - если в течение 7 дней вам не понравится, мы сделаем возврат. - Rated 1 out of 5by amirjafary, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 15262520, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 15088286, 4 years ago
Developer response
posted 4 years agoHello, we're sorry to hear that. Please contact us at or here - - and tell us more about the issue you've run into. We'll do our best to help!- Rated 1 out of 5by grayican, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Ranum_aqui, 4 years agoNao aconselho, voce precisa de pagar para poder usar outros lugares, E PARA PIORAR EU NAO CONSIGO DESABILITAR ISSO PORQUE O PAIS ONDE EU MORRO É SO PARA PREMIUM, OU SEJA EU NAO POSSO COLOCAR NORMAL.
Developer response
posted 4 years agoYes, we offer four virtual locations for free: Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States. You can use them while being in any country. If you have any questions please contact us at or at We'll be happy to help you understand everything about Browsec. - Rated 1 out of 5by saed, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Alex, 4 years agoEstablece limitación en el ancho de banda y no oculta adecuadamente la IP.
Developer response
posted 4 years agoAny VPN reduces the connection speed because the signal needs to travel more - from you to the VPN server, and then to the data you request. The closer you are to the VPN server, the shorter is the way. So please use the countries nearest to yours to have the best performance. As for hiding the IP: Browsec successfully does this job. If you have any doubts please contact us at, and we'll be happy to discuss this. Developer response
posted 4 years agoHello, we're sorry to hear that. Please reach us at or at We'll do our best to help!- Rated 1 out of 5by PlusPast, 4 years agoI tried the free version of Browsec for a week and found it fair enough for site viewing, but it's utterly useless for downloading files. I could not download a single file... not a 100 mb file, nor a 50 mb file, or even a 25 mb file. Each file usually began transferring at a reasonable speed, often near 100 kbps, but the speed always dwindled down to less than 20 kbps before finally stopping altogether and failing. Sometimes that took a few minutes to happen, and sometimes it happened in less than a minute. It didn't matter which of the four free locations I used. In fact, I tried downloading the same file via all four locations, first in the United States, where I'm located, then in the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, and the download failed every time with each of the six files I tried. I further tried a dozen or more files in one or two locations each, all without success. Obviously, Browsec is never going to allow any downloads to complete in the free version, which I have to assume is intentionally done to get users to upgrade to the paid version. The only other explanation is that it's simply a very slow and unreliable network. So, Browsec isn't any good for someone like me who browses and occasionally wants to download something they find, but doesn't do that often enough to justify paying for the expanded version. And if I did need it enough to pay for it, I wouldn't feel confident in trusting my credit card info to a company whose product performs so poorly (not even to give the paid version a free 7-day trial), as that usually indicates a lack of competence. Uninstalled.
Developer response
posted 4 years agoHello, we're sorry to hear about this experience. We assure you we never set download speed or data limits for our free servers. We perfectly understand that degrading the performance of the free version is not the best way to sell Premium. Still, the free servers have a much heavier user load, that's why they may perform slower that the Premium ones. Also, there can be several external reasons for the situation you described: downloading several files at once, your ISP's poor bandwidth to the target country, etc. It would be great if you could contact us at and describe the case in more detail. We would like to investigate it and help you get the best possible performance with Browsec. - Rated 1 out of 5by ertyuiopl, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Rhonda Fowler, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Fire.Fox, 4 years ago
Developer response
posted 4 years agoSlowdowns are natural for any VPN because the signal needs to travel more - from you to the VPN server, and then to the data you request. The closer you are to the VPN server, the shorter is the way, and the lower is the speed loss. So please use the countries nearest to yours, and you will have the highest speed possible. Also, Premium servers are much faster in general. We have a 7-day money-back guarantee, so you can try Premium risk-free.- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 16654339, 4 years ago
Developer response
posted 4 years agoSlowdowns are natural for any VPN because the signal needs to travel more - from you to the VPN server, and then to the data you request. The closer you are to the VPN server, the shorter is the way, and the lower is the speed loss. So please use the countries nearest to yours, and you will have the highest speed possible. Also, Premium servers are much faster in general. We have a 7-day money-back guarantee, so you can try Premium risk-free.- Rated 1 out of 5by killavolt, 4 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Alexandre, 4 years agoКонечно free, самый фровый из фрей, но free не работает. Платите бабки, лохи.
Developer response
posted 4 years agoHi, we do our best to provide free service with acceptable speed. If you notice any problems, please report this at We'll do our best to help you! - Rated 1 out of 5by Olivia, 4 years agoThis has been the most useless VPN i've tried. Sites won't load at all. Even IP checkers. Lol