Fast Wiktionary Lookup by ormpjed
Double click any word to look it up on Wiktionary in a panel without switching tabs. Customize which languages and sections you want to see. Works on Android.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata
About this extension
When activated, this add-on appends a panel to the active webpage. When you double-click or double-tap any word on the page, it will be looked up on Wiktionary, and the results displayed in the panel. It doesn't get any faster than this.
- Choose which languages and sections are displayed.
- Automatically parses words that are not in their lemma form.
- Continue navigating Wiktionary within the panel.
- Minimize the panel by clicking on its header.
- Works on Android.
- Not expected to work for orthographies that do not use spaces.
- Styling and reliability may vary depending on the page visited.
GitHub repository:
- Choose which languages and sections are displayed.
- Automatically parses words that are not in their lemma form.
- Continue navigating Wiktionary within the panel.
- Minimize the panel by clicking on its header.
- Works on Android.
- Not expected to work for orthographies that do not use spaces.
- Styling and reliability may vary depending on the page visited.
GitHub repository:
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More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 1.0.0
- Size
- 152.09 KB
- Last updated
- 9 months ago (Mar 29, 2024)
- Related Categories
- License
- GNU General Public License v3.0 only
- Privacy Policy
- Read the privacy policy for this add-on
- Version History
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