CAI Tools Legacy
Character.AI now has extra features. Background, Font and Memory Manager, chat and character cloning, importing characters, saving chats and characters!
1,992 users
Auto Highlight
🟨 Auto Highlight will help you see what's important on the web! ✅ ⚡ Supports RegExp search and many style and highlight options ⭕ 🥷 Hide text by setting font size to zero!
1,933 users
Bring Twitter Back
Turns X back to Twitter by replacing all instances of the logo, replacing the new names ("post," "repost," etc.) with their old ones, and replacing the "X" name with "Twitter" on tabs and on the website.
1,914 users
Animalese Typing
Plays animal crossing villager sounds whenever you type!
1,870 users
Toggle Image Animations
Disables or enables the animation of images (GIF, APNG, WebP, AVIF).
1,831 users
Instagram Remove Reels, Explore Page - IGPlus
Disable Instagram Shorts, videos, comments, suggestions wall, vanity metrics, homepage recomendations, trending... and many more.
1,798 users
alike03's Subscription Info on Steam
See on Steam if the game is currently available on any Subscription package like Xbox Game Pass PC & Console, Ubisoft+, EA Play or EA Play Pro.
1,784 users
Speed Dial | SwiftDial
Speed Dial | Home Page | New Tab | 📱 Modern | 🎨 Easily customizable | 🛡️ Privacy-friendly |
1,681 users
Better Darker Docs
Gives Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings a proper dark mode based on system theme, plus clearer text
1,641 users
doqment PDF Reader
Firefox's PDF Viewer with Reader Mode: change the colours of PDFs while reading.
1,499 users
New Minecraft Wiki Redirect
Automatically redirect to the new non-Fandom Minecraft wiki.
1,285 users
Duplicate Tab
Duplicates the current tab from keyboard shortcuts or when you click the icon Source, issues:
1,233 users
YT Shorts Blocker
Hide Youtube shorts and filter videos by length from your recommended section. For desktop and mobile!
1,178 users
Save my Password
On some pages, Firefox won't ask you to store your login information. Using this add-on you can force Firefox to remember your password! This add-on is NOT a password manager!
1,107 users
Browser extension for the Polish Librus e-diary, introducing a dark theme, displaying grade point averages despite being disabled by the School Administrator, allowing to add custom events in the schedule and some minor improvements to its features.
1,083 users
UltimaDark - The Fastest Dark Mode Extension
UltimaDark uses agressive & smart techniques to turn even the sunniest websites into realms of darkness. Although it works well, this is so experimental, it makes lab rats look like seasoned professionals. Go ahead, embrace the shadows! 🦇
1,071 users
Play videos at the highest quality, dynamically resize video player, 4x playback speed, extra hotkeys to loop video and autoplay, and more! Works on mobile, desktop, and embed videos.
1,046 users
A Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) extension for modern web browsers that allows for full page and selected text speed-reading of web content.
1,029 users
Font Contrast
Improves webpage readability.
1,008 users
Google Sign-in Popup Blocker
Disables the "Sign in with Google" popup.
950 users
Complexity - Perplexity AI Supercharged
⚡ Supercharge your
916 users
Toolbox for Google Play Store™
Enhances the Google Play Store™ with various features.
872 users
No Login
Access social media websites without logging in
812 users
Reddit Direct Images
Loads all images hosted on reddit directly in the browser.
771 users
Web Edit
Easily edit websites temporarily with a click of a button.
759 users