Sako plugin
This wallabag/v2-compatible extension has the ability to edit title and tags and set starred, archived, or delete states. It is primarily aimed at sako, a Go-based rewrite of Wallabag.
3 users
Collava - Quick Save
Never lose an idea again. Save anything to with one click.
3 users
Daily Tab
Automatically opens tabs at a given time every day.
3 users
Advanced Wisdom Vault Search ChatGPT TutivSoft
Unlock the power of seamless AI-driven research with our browser extension! Effortlessly track your search history, filter queries, execute batch searches, and gain insights with learning statistics. It’s designed to save you time and enhance product
2 users
A webpage bookmarking and snapshotting service
2 users
Dieses Add-on ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Unterseiten von mit einem Klick zu öffnen. Sie können schnell und einfach Briefe, E-Mails, Faxe und mehr erstellen und versenden.
2 users
漫畫瀏覽器 Manga Browser
抓取網頁漫畫的更新、記錄閱讀進度,並以清單呈現。 Scrapes for manga updates, records chapter previously read and displays them in a list.
2 users
Create Notes & Notebooks from anywhere on the web
2 users
A simple to-do list extension
1 user
Send articles to Shlock or to any web backend. The endpoint is configurable in options.
1 user
Extension for QA testing[ MANUAL or AUTOMATION]
This is a dummy extension meant to be listed in production. QA is using this for testing scope.
1 user
Manga Mark
Mark your reading manga and store to server. You need an account to use it. Go to Create an account and generate api key. Enjoy your reading.
1 user
TutivSoft History Analyzer
To help you visualize and analyze your web browsing habits effortlessly. Find how much time you spend on different websites or what your online activity looks like over time. Gain valuable insights into your browsing behavior.
1 user
A simple extension to trace your steps when walking down the Wiki-hole
1 user
TFF ~ musa kazim
This tool will help you to automate various aspects of social media websites.
1 user
View Github Issues&PRs
Adds a shortcut button to a user's Github profile page to view the issues and pull requests posted by that user.
1 user
Нотатки до лотів на (Мобільна)
Дозволяє додавати нотатки до лотів на сайті аукціоні
1 user - Online Meubels & Woonblog
Jouw Gids voor Interieur Inspiratie - het laatste nieuws van de woonblog
1 user
Simply type 'z {keyword}' in omnibox to open Zapmark in current tab.
1 user
Annotateur LeBonCoin
Une extension pour masquer ou annoter des annonces sur LeBonCoin
0 users