Reviews for AdBlock for Firefox
AdBlock for Firefox by AdBlock
Response by Rhana Cassidy
Developer response
posted 7 years agoHi! We're sorry you're not happy with AdBlock! We have some troubleshooting tips for unblocked ads here:
If they don't help, feel free to open a ticket at Please include debugging information ( Thanks!
If you're running into other issues with AdBlock, we'd really like to know about them. Would you mind opening a ticket and describing what's happening? Please include that debug information if you didn't open a ticket about the ads. :)
Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager
If they don't help, feel free to open a ticket at Please include debugging information ( Thanks!
If you're running into other issues with AdBlock, we'd really like to know about them. Would you mind opening a ticket and describing what's happening? Please include that debug information if you didn't open a ticket about the ads. :)
Rhana, AdBlock Community Manager