Audible Library Extractor version history - 5 versions
Audible Library Extractor by joonaspaakko
Audible Library Extractor version history - 5 versions
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 0.2.8
Released Jan 1, 2022 - 5.42 MBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterThe "Audible Library Extractor" button in Audible's website now looks like a button and was moved above the search input, because Audible continually made small changes and it could no longer fit where it used to be.
* [Fixed #72]( Extraction comes up with 20 books (single page). Note: audible changed things
* [Fixed #71]( Wishlist extraction discards all data and the wishlist gallery page comes up empty. Note: audible changed things
* [Fixed #69]( Wallpaper creator showing a blank page (if used hadn't extracted collections).
* [Fixed #68]( Some "unavailable" books not marked properly. Note: this bug was introduced in v.0.2.7
* [Fixed #67]( Top menu disappears sometimes on certain pages bugSource code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 0.2.7
Released Nov 7, 2021 - 5.49 MBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterYou should do a full extraction after updating to this version. There are a a few new data points that the partial extraction will not update to any old books.
I added global context menu items so you can easily open the gallery by right-clicking anywhere inside any tab and choose "Audible Library Extracor > Gallery page".
There's now a wallpaper creator in the extension gallery. Look for it in the top menu.
- Added import and export for raw data. Data is stored in your browser, but if you for example get a new computer you could export data on your current computer and import it on the new one and you don't have to do a full extraction.
- Added dropdown list type filters, which allow you to filter books by properties like the language or format etc...
- You can now collapse & expand book cover and information in the book details view.
- "My books in the library" list now shows you if any books you don't own are available in the Plus Catalog. Also you can now open book links to a new tab, which wasn't possible before.
- Added genre / theme tags. These are little pill shaped text btns you see below the summary on some store pages.
- Added better Archive handling. Filters and sorting for archived books. Standalone gallery now has an option to exclude archived books / archived collection.
- Added whispersync data: 1. Color dot on the covers if you own the Kindle version. 2. Whispersync filters 3. Whispersync sorters 4. Whispersync label inside the book details view
- Fixed #66: Extraction can not complete: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getAttribute').
- Added #62: Image editor (wallpaper generator).
- Fixed #60: "Audible Library Extractor" text button is cut off in Audible library page.
- Fixed #56: Wishlist extraction stops right when it's about to start.
- Fixed #54: Partial library update doesn't merge old series data with new series data properly.
- Fixed #50: Collections larger than 20 titles are not getting extracted properly.
- Fixed #49: Sub pages don't show up in the the stand-alone gallery if you saved it with wishlist and any sub pages while excluding library.
- Fixed #48: My books in the series list: links lead to empty pages inside the gallery (sometimes). Related to sub page source.
- Improved #47: Merged the library data update button with the full extraction button. Now wishlist has a partial extraction too!
- Fixed #46: After opening a link to the gallery on a page with book details open, the next chunk of books would not load when scrolling far enough down.
Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Version 0.2.6
Released May 16, 2021 - 2 MBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterv.0.2.6
If you want to filter wishlist by Plus Catalog titles, you'll have to extract the wishlist again. The 'My books in the series' list can now show all books in the series, but this too requires a full extraction of the library. <br><br>Performance improvement #41 changes the way the books are loaded in: they are loaded in chunks as you scroll down. This unfortunately makes it so you can't just jump to the beginning of your library at the bottom like you could before. If you must, you can get around this: in the address bar you should see a url parameter like this '?y=347'. The number keeps track of how far you're scrolled. Change that to and obnoxiously high number, like '?y=9999999' and press enter or refresh the page and it will load the entire library at once.
<br><br>- New documentation:
- Improved #25: Improved filters with range sliders and you can enable multiple filters at the same time
- Added #30: Stand-alone gallery save options that allow you to exclude pages
- Added #26: CSV export (Importable: goodreads, googlesheets, excel, etc...)
- Fixed #35: Firefox: ISBN+Wishlist extraction stops the entire extraction process
- Added #38: Easier way to get back to the gallery (and Audible library) using the extension icon context menu
- Improved #41: Improved gallery performance, especially on slightly older mobile devices.
- Fixed #44: Certain links to Audible not working due to missing encoding
- Fixed #43: Wishlist series hyperlink doesn't lead anywhere
- Fixed #42: Child category heading shows up in parent category page
- Fixed #40: Missing cover images causing various issues in the gallery (mostly affects long time Audible users)
- Fixed #37: Extension icon active state (color icon) is triggering whenever
- Fixed #36: Release date sorter not working on mobile (ios)
- Fixed #34: Wishlist extraction stops and halts the whole extraction part 2
- Fixed #33: Book details open in the wrong position breaking the grid at certain browser widths
- Fixed #31: Sorting is taken over by search order If you have an active search and then change filters or search scope
Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Version 0.2.5
Released Mar 7, 2021 - 1.91 MBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterBug fixes:
- Fixed #28: Series/sub page fails to show the right content
- Fixed #27: The Great Courses (books) omitted
- Fixed #24: Search overrides sorting URL parameter on page load
- Fixed #23: Wishlist scraping errored out due to fetching second lvl domain names like “” wrong
- Fixed #22: Categories page empty (sometimes)
- Fixed #21: View mode button showing up on pages it shouldn’t
- Fixed #20: Filter and sorter menu disappearing behing the bottom mobile nav
- Fixed #19: Partial library scan breaking series
Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Version 0.2.4
Released Mar 1, 2021 - 1.91 MBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterSource code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0