BetterFocus version history - 3 versions
BetterFocus by Jean-Philippe Pierre
BetterFocus version history - 3 versions
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 1.2
Released Jun 3, 2019 - 20.31 KBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterI was testing the extension recently and found it quite tedious to use. Answering 4 questions each time you enter a website eventually becomes repetitive and cumbersome. So, I edited the UI to make using it less tedious.Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 1.11
Released May 10, 2019 - 20.29 KBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterImproved user interface.Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0
Version 1.1
Released May 5, 2019 - 19.74 KBWorks with firefox 48.0 and laterFixed a possible storage leak.Source code released under Mozilla Public License 2.0