Reviews for Bookmark Dupes
Bookmark Dupes by Martin Väth
439 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14003869, 7 years agoTut genau das, was beschrieben wird. Einfach in der Bedienung, klar im Aufbau, jetzt herrscht wieder Ordnung in meinen Bookmarks.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Jepman, 7 years agoFantastic tool. Everything is automated and has great filtering options. recommended for cleaning up your bookmarks.
- Rated 5 out of 5by l3dlp, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13941512, 7 years agoWorked perfectly. Used the basic functions to find and delete all my duplicate bookmarks.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13914421, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by tuk0z, 7 years agoFonctionne impeccablement bien sur une base de données de qlqs milliers de bookmarks synchronisés.
- Rated 5 out of 5by PeterW, 7 years agoDeveloper is very quick to resolve potential extension problems. Keep great work!
- Rated 5 out of 5by SvEgiiVEteR, 7 years agoОтличное расширение. почистил свои 1700 дубликатов в закладках)) счастлив как слов.спасибо
раньше не мог так как расширение не открывалось в новой вкладке но теперь когда это сделали все получилось) - Rated 5 out of 5by Sipho Mateke, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13824549, 7 years agoDead simple. What are my duplicates.... then delete them. What are my empty folders.... then delete them.
- Rated 5 out of 5by msc1, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by B-boy/StyLe/, 7 years agoHi,
No, they are not "alternatives". I have some bookmarks from forums topics with same titles but from different pages so the only difference in the url is the page number and it will be a pain in the neck to remove them manually. I hope you got what I meant. :)
Thanks again and keep up the good work!Developer response
posted 7 years agoEdit: In bookmark-dupes-5.5, there will be a special replacement text $TITLE which can be used to find “dupes” with the same title. The github page contains already more detailed instructions and a test version.
With bookmark-dupes-5.4, if you are looking for dupes with a _particular_ title (and not for duplicate titles in general), you can create a “modify” rule which checks for this title and replaces the whole URL by a fixed string. You need to fill the following fields for this rule:
“Name matches”: “\0NAME$” (without quotes; NAME is the name you are looking for; write \ in front of every non-letter).
“Replace URL matches”: “.+” (without quotes; this matches the whole URL)
“By” “x” (here, x can be any nonempty dummy text; in bookmark-dupes-5.5, x can even be empty (which was currently not supported due to misguided “safety” considerations)).
Instead of “Name matches” you can also use an URL match for the part which all bookmarks you want to "match" have in common. Or you can simply replace in your example the page number by an empty string, leaving the (common) rest of the URL as it is.
The latter is IMHO the solution which should be preferred, because it is is least likely to give wrong positives, but you need a rule especially adapted for your URL. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13095960, 7 years agoThank you for your hard work. But sometimes it'd be useful to have duplicates. So could you pls create an addon that allows that?
Developer response
posted 7 years agoDuplicates are allowed. What you probably want to achieve is that certain duplicates are not removed or not listed. Both can be done in recent versions:
1. If your duplicates are all within one folder, you can e.g. unmark all bookmarks from that folder: Choose the folder from "-- Select a folder ..." to get the corresponding unmark button.
2. To not list the bookmarks in the first place, you have to use “expert mode”. Switch all default rules to “off” (or delete them), and create a new “filter” rule. Into "Name matches" of that rule you can insert e.g. "\0Frequently used\0" if all your duplicates which you want to ignore are contained in folder(s) named “Frequently used”. You can specify your desired exceptions much more fine-grained (using regular expressions for the full path of the rules). To preserve your setting, you have to store it (locally or remotely).
Actually, the default rules in “Expert mode” already contain an example of a “filter” rule with “typical” names for such folders. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13401896, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by andrew, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13739877, 7 years ago