Metrication version history - 7 versions
Metrication by DeltaMikeCharlie
Be careful with old versions! These versions are displayed for testing and reference purposes.You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Latest version
Version 0.0.7
Released Apr 27, 2019 - 140.13 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Add computer-generated translation for Slovak (sk-Slovenský).
* Add computer-generated translation for Polish (pl-Polskie).
* Internal change to disable console logging for releases but enable logging for development.
* Add the ability to process conversions within iframes. Disabled by default.
* Add ability to edit 'General Options' from the options page.
* Fix bug where clicking on the converted units would potentially display the wrong workings.
* Fix bug when setting rounding decimal places for languages that do not use "." as a decimal seperator.
* Fix bug in 'Conversion Selection' where invalid units were found after using 'Original Text' option.
* Replace inline 'onClick' with event listeners.
* Add various abbreviations for inches using alternate unicode double quote characters and multiple single quote characters.
* Add various abbreviations for feet using alternate unicode single quote characters.
* Add "sq ft" as well as "sqft".
* Add variations on 'fl oz', 'fl-oz' etc.
* Add 'qt' for abbreviated quarts.
* Add 'troy ounce'.
* Add abbreviation 'cp' for 'cup'.
* Add abbreviated yards with no space, eg: '2yd'.
* Add 'troy ounces'.
* Add option in splitter to add a space between the value and the unit. Eg: '1oz' and '1 oz' both convert to '28.3 g'.Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Download Firefox and get the extensionYou'll need Firefox to use this extensionOlder versions
Version 0.0.6
Released Apr 11, 2019 - 129.1 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Changed conversion selection menu from popup to sidebar design with style consistent with the options page.
* Ensure that the sidebar is no smaller than 330 pixels.
* Add ability for the 'ESC' key to close the conversion selection sidebar.
* Add workings to the conversion selection sidebar.
* Add ability to re-scale and copy results to the clipboard from the selection sidebar.
* Changed conversion factor for statute miles.
* Changed conversion factor for nautical miles.
* Add fathoms.
* Fixed internal sorting issue with Chrome only affecting some conversions.Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Version 0.0.5
Released Apr 5, 2019 - 122.67 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Add 'defaultDetector' global property and '%%DEFAULTDETECTOR%%' replacement within detector input strings.
* Add 'permittedRoundingVariance' global property. If exceeded, more decimal points will be added. Default is 5%.
* Add 'adjustRoundingVariance' global default property to control rounding variance adjustment globally.
* Add 'ninth' as well as "nineth'.
* Add detectors for 'imperial pints' and 'us pints' directly.
* Add US dry pints.
* Add cubic inches.
* Add cubic feet.
* Add acre-feet.
* Add oil barrels.
* Add horsepower.
* Add british thermal units.
* Add 'atmosphere' (pressure).
* The 'singularForm' property in the detector can now be a string or an array of strings.
* Change singular detection to use word boundaries within the whole matched string and not just the first/last individual word.
* Add ability for multi-word units like "square inch" to also be detected as "square-inch".
* Fix needing to restart browser after updating conversion rules manually.Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Version 0.0.4
Released Mar 29, 2019 - 113.01 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Fix where words as number were only recognised when all lower case.
* Add clicking the yellow popup text area will display another window with the popup text for clarity.
* Add better support for fractions as words with large magnitudes, "seven tenths of a million miles" = "700,000 miles".
* Add more fractions as words: thirds, quarters/fourths, fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighth, nineths, tenths.
* Add informational conversion for degrees that do not clarify C or F.
* Add the detailed conversion formula to the workings popup.
* Add informational conversion for cups.
* Add mixed number words. eg: '20 thousand' as well as 'twenty thousand'.
* Reformat the 'options' page and display some rules.
* Fix feet to allow a hyphen. "20-foot".Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Version 0.0.3
Released Mar 23, 2019 - 102.02 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Fixed potential formatting issues with informational conversions.
* Add support for range and list values with informational conversions.
* Add global setting to make every conversion an informational conversion only.
* Add "auto-convert" feature. Right-click on the Metrication logo. (Not available on Android.)
* Add Metrication to the "Tools" menu. Auto-Convert can also be accessed here.
* Add Acres short form "ac".
* Add square inches medium form "inches²", etc.
* Add square inches short form "in²", etc.
* Add Roods, long form.
* Add Perches, long form.
* Add furlongs, long form.
* Add furlongs, short form, informational only (to avoid confusion with animal pelts "fur/furs").
* Add basic support for "half" as a number word. "half a million pounds".
* Add support for pounds using values as words. No value ranges or lists.
* Add ability to render scaled output and informational popups in scientific notation. "1.432×10¹¹ kilometres"
* Changed "square metre" abbreviation to "m²".
* Changed "square millimetre" abbreviation to "mm²".
* Changed "square centimetre" abbreviation to "cm²".
* Changed "square kilometre" abbreviation to "km²".Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Version 0.0.2
Released Mar 17, 2019 - 88.13 KBWorks with firefox 54.0 and later, android 54.0 to 68.** Add option to always output units as abbreviations ('cm' instead of 'centimetre') regardless of the input unit form.
* Add "Informational Conversions" that still provide the popup, but don't change the original text in the web page.
* Add French and Spanish user interfaces. Both computer-generated, not human translated.
Please note that there have been additions to the master JSON file that may cause some issues if used with a customised v0.0.1 JSON file. It is recommended to reset the JSON file to default and re-apply any changes.Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement
Version 0.0.1
Released Mar 2, 2019 - 79.75 KBWorks with firefox 52.0 and later, android 52.0 to 68.*Version 0.0.1 supports detection and conversion of the following Imperial units: miles (per/to the) gallon; mpg/m.p.g; ton, us tons, short tons, uk tons, gb tons, imperial tons, long tons; pounds & ounces; pounds; stones and pounds; stones; lb; ounces; oz; fluid ounces, us fluid ounces, imperial fluid ounces, uk fluid ounces, gb fluid ounces; pint; pt; gallon, us gallon, uk gallon, gb gallon, imperial gallon; gal; quart, imperial quart, us quart; feet and inches; ft & in, ' & "; feet; ft, '; yards; yd; inches; in, "; miles, statute miles; mph / m.p.h; mi; nautical miles; nm, nmi; degrees Fahrenheit, degrees farenheit (sic); degrees f; ° fahrenheit, ° farenheit (sic); °f; calories; acres; square miles; square yards; square feet; ft², sq. ft., sqft; squares; pounds per square inch, pound-force per square inch; psi, p.s.i; cubic feet.Source code released under Metrication Browser Extension - Plain English licencing statement