nazeka by wareya
A rikai replacement with very fast text scrubbing. Built-in clipboard grabber.
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
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About this extension
Nazeka is a rikai replacement (japanese mouseover dictionary) with very fast text scrubbing and a built-in clipboard grabber. Has support for "mining", automated flashcard creation.
Nazeka is almost ready for general use. I just need to finish polishing off some of its core features. Any day now...
Full tutorial here: https://github.com/wareya/nazeka/blob/master/tutorial.md
To open the clipboard grabber (a text grabbing page), right click on the browser action icon and select Open Reader. Not supported on Android.
The mining storage review page is opened in the same way.
The mining UI is opened by pressing "m" while the dictionary popup is open. All hotkeys are configurable. If live mining is enabled and configured, and Anki is open, it will also mine to Ankiconnect, not just storage.
"b" toggles sticky mode. Because Nazeka is so fast, sticky mode is only useful in very rare circumstances.
"n" will close the dictionary popup.
"p" will try to play audio based on what the popup currently contains. It'll pick the first spelling-reading pair it can find that Nazeka knows has audio on jpod101's servers.
Nazeka is similar to rikaichan, rikaisama, rikaichamp, yomichan, etc.
Android support is experimental and requires Firefox Nightly with certain flags set. On Android, look up words with taps or shakes, not scrubbing. Note that it's inadvisable to install Nazeka on Android devices with 256MB or less of RAM. Nazeka is not RAM intensive, but it makes no attempts to keep the dictionary out of memory, so using it will probably make Android put background apps to sleep, much like loading any heavy webpage will do on such devices.
Nazeka is almost ready for general use. I just need to finish polishing off some of its core features. Any day now...
Full tutorial here: https://github.com/wareya/nazeka/blob/master/tutorial.md
To open the clipboard grabber (a text grabbing page), right click on the browser action icon and select Open Reader. Not supported on Android.
The mining storage review page is opened in the same way.
The mining UI is opened by pressing "m" while the dictionary popup is open. All hotkeys are configurable. If live mining is enabled and configured, and Anki is open, it will also mine to Ankiconnect, not just storage.
"b" toggles sticky mode. Because Nazeka is so fast, sticky mode is only useful in very rare circumstances.
"n" will close the dictionary popup.
"p" will try to play audio based on what the popup currently contains. It'll pick the first spelling-reading pair it can find that Nazeka knows has audio on jpod101's servers.
Nazeka is similar to rikaichan, rikaisama, rikaichamp, yomichan, etc.
Android support is experimental and requires Firefox Nightly with certain flags set. On Android, look up words with taps or shakes, not scrubbing. Note that it's inadvisable to install Nazeka on Android devices with 256MB or less of RAM. Nazeka is not RAM intensive, but it makes no attempts to keep the dictionary out of memory, so using it will probably make Android put background apps to sleep, much like loading any heavy webpage will do on such devices.
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This add-on needs to:
- Get data from the clipboard
- Access browser tabs
- Access your data for all websites
More information
- Add-on Links
- Version
- 0.4.10
- Size
- 12.8 MB
- Last updated
- 4 years ago (May 25, 2021)
- Related Categories
- License
- Apache License, Version 2.0
- Version History
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Release notes for 0.4.10
- update jmdict
- make "soft" mining errors display with orange instead of red so the user is less likely to think the operation completely failed
- make "soft" mining errors display with orange instead of red so the user is less likely to think the operation completely failed
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