Reviews for Px Downloader
Px Downloader by らんだむ
122 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13987088, 7 years agoEdit 2018.07.20 - Fixed already! Nice! Thanks, devs!
Edit 2018.07.19 - The button's gone again. Devs should consider putting button on somewhere other than the pixiv page itself, maybe on the menu bar or tool bar.
Edit 2018.06.07 - IT'S UPDATED, FIXED, AND WORKING PERFECTLY NOW! Nice job, dev!
Not working since the latest Pixiv site update.
Needs fixing as soon as possible. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13933924, 7 years agoWorks perfectly! And the download directory configuration is amazing. Though I too would prefer getting WEBM. Also have you thought about getting all illusts of a artist or a list at once? Something like that would be very wonderful.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13873661, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by nenaikodareda, 7 years agoFirefox56で動かすために旧版のver3.2.2を使っていますが、pixivの仕様変更にもきちんと対応できていました
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13656231, 7 years agoChrome版で同アドオンを使用していましたが、アップデートの影響か不具合が出るようになって困っていました。Firefox版は問題なく動いており助かります
- Rated 5 out of 5by anunwantedbaby, 7 years agoThe amount of options this offers for filename and file download structure is amazing, and it handles everything, from ugoira to comics to single pictures. Used to download everything manually but this is so much easier.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13437319, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13268785, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 12549743, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13406870, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13336142, 7 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by 緒雨, 7 years ago不仅可以保存插图和漫画,可以直接下载小说真的是非常让人惊喜!
如果可以直接在作者页面下载作品就更好了,不过现有功能已经很让人开心了,感谢作者♥ - Rated 5 out of 5by Mitsugu Oyama, 8 years agoVimperator Pluginのpixiv.jsの作者なのですが、Firefox 57 から Vimperator が動かなくなる見込みなので pixiv.js を WebExtensions Addon への移植を試みていました。ですが、この Addon を見つけたことで移植作業が不要になりました。
しかもダウンロードファイル名を編集できるなど、pixiv.js より機能がはるかに上です。うごイラがGIFでダウンロードできるのもいいですね。 - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13112381, 8 years agoI prefer the animation to be saved as webm if possible, GIF is a bit heavy, and APNG is hard to view