Reviews for SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube
SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube by Ajay (SponsorBlock)
101 reviews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Mephistopheles, a year agoWhile it doesn't catch everything, it catches most, great add-on to use
- Rated 4 out of 5by sellXD, a year agowould be cool if we'd get the same functionality as the chrome version has like blocking intros/bad filler jokes/recaps/previews
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18098953, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18067118, a year ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Urnfs, 2 years agoLatest version seems to "forget" to skip sometimes, can't figure out what causes it, seems random.
On another note, You should add a 'spoiler' category for game\movie\tv show reviews and stuff. - Rated 4 out of 5by Jet-Net, 2 years agoРекламу проматывает отлично. Спасибо большое всем добрым людям, ответственным за разработку и поддержку данного полезнейшего аддона! История с AdBlock алчных блогеров, видимо, ни чему не научила. Значит, научим.
Вот только, к сожалению, против назойливых напоминаний о подписке на канал, иные соцсети и донаты ("самореклама", "напоминание о взаимодействии") помогает плохо. Множество раз добавлял одинаковые сегменты с разных видео одного канала, практически на одних и те же таймингах, - все равно не запоминает. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13982537, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17971754, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Cole, 2 years agoI love this add-on, but it's starting to miss several sponsorships on YouTube.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Matthias, 2 years agoI love this extension. So usefull and time saving.
I'd love if it would be possible to add some kind of extension to sponsor block for skipping video content that could trigger people, e.g. flashing lights for epileptic people, blood, etc. - Rated 4 out of 5by zen, 2 years agoFor some reason this didn't skip anything, maybe I had to change some settings but I might try it again in the future
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17684842, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by rosekitsune1, 2 years agoOn firefox nightly 112 for desktop this add does not work and, when I click on the addon button for the drop down menu on my desktop Firefox Nightly 112 all I get is a black box and I cant get the addon to work at all on my Windows 11 22h2 hp laptop.
On Firefox Nightly 112 for android the addon works.. - Rated 4 out of 5by NoaBoa, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17018579, 2 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14641567, 2 years agoDoesn't work. Error 404. Sending a segment or setting a User ID gives a 404 error. In Chrome, it works without problems. It doesn't work in Firefox. Enabling VPN and proxy did not fix the error.
It worked after (settings -> backup/restore -> reset default settings)
Не работает. Отправка сегмента или установка User ID выдаёт ошибку 404. В Хроме работает без проблем, в Firefox не работает. Танцы с бубном, VPN и proxy ни к чему не привели(
Заработало после (settings -> backup/restore -> reset settings to default) - Rated 4 out of 5by Orion, 2 years agoGreat add-on that lets you skip ads (side-note, it's insane that I'm using three add-ons to block ads and still see ads - that's how intrusive they are nowadays).
Unfortunately, it's already being abused by politically motivated bad actors. Earlier today I saw a segment labeled "Sponsor" on a channel that doesn't do sponsors. Why? Because the YTer said vaccines work. Way to ruin something great.Developer response
posted 2 years agodownvote them and report them in discord/matrix/ so they can be banned! - Rated 4 out of 5by Hades, 2 years agoReally great extension, did not expect some something like this to exist, most videos I've come across had the "segments" already so the sponsored sections were skipped automatically which is great.
The submission section could do with some improvements, mainly around the UI/UX but also it seems like that quite a few times the servers were down or not available so I was unable to submit my segments. - Rated 4 out of 5by Sahil Rajpal, 2 years agoSuch a great extension, didn't think such a thing could be done... Amazing Ajay
- Rated 4 out of 5by rbxq, 2 years agowill skip sponsors, but cannot submit my own sponsor segments to skip
- Rated 4 out of 5by Memes_, 2 years agoIts a good add-on but its down 1-2 days a week please fix this.That will be all , thank you for your time.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Filinto Delgado, 2 years agoStart using it and love but I'm having error "A connection error has occurred. Error code: 404". Please fix it. Great work
- Rated 4 out of 5by Sacha, 2 years agoChapter features is enabled even if I didn't pay, and I can't disable it, it's annoying...
Developer response
posted 2 years agoSegment names beside the time in the video player can now be disabled in 5.0.5 - Rated 4 out of 5by Edik191, 2 years agoУдобное расширение для автоматического скипа рекламы. Использую ещё и на телефоне в YouTube Vanced. В браузере связкой с uBlock Origin и Enhancer for YouTube™. Если никто не пометил рекламу можно самому пометить, и помочь секономить другим людям время. Но редкий минус, что бывает рекламу криво выделяют и пару слов все же пропадают автора.. А на телефоне посмотреть линию спонсора никак.
И сейчас 19.09.2022 22:14 что-то сервера глючать и я не могу загрузить отрывок сонсора