Reviews for Speed Dial | SwiftDial
Speed Dial | SwiftDial by nScript
121 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by Vit., 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by ДЕНИС, 2 years ago
Developer response
posted 2 years agoHello, Jorge.
Thank you for your support.
We hope our future releases will also be to your liking.
↗️ Please spread the word on social media. That would help out a lot.
🔗 Rated 5 out of 5by Feudor888, 2 years agoС прошедшими и наступающими! Расширить прикрепления к главному меню "Группы сайтов" с прокруткой.
Developer response
posted 2 years agoЗдравствуйте, Федор.
🎄 Вас также с праздниками и спасибо за идею.
↗️ Если Вам нравится то, что мы делаем, Вы также можете поддержать нас пожертвованием: 🔗 - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 17692673, 2 years agoI wish there was a way to randomize the images, getting them from known sources of wallpapers.
Developer response
posted 2 years ago🎁 With ratings, mentions, likes and follows you help new users discover the conveniences of SwiftDial:
Hello and Happy New Year!
🖼️ Use your own custom images or the images from the built-in gallery as the homepage background
🖼️ Create and edit several types of multi-color gradients of your choice for the homepage background
🖼️ Combine several homepage backgrounds into a slideshow and choose their change interval and order
🖼️ Add images as site thumbnails or as hompage backgrounds directly from web pages or by supplying their web addresses
🎁 Оценками, упоминаниями, лайками и подписками Вы помогаете новым пользователям открыть для себя удобства SwiftDial:
Здравствуйте и С Новым Годом!
🖼️ Использовать свои изображения или изображения из встроенной галереи в качестве фона домашней страницы
🖼️ Создавать и редактировать многоцветные градиенты нескольких видов на свой выбор для фона домашней страницы
🖼️ Объединять несколько фонов домашней страницы в слайдшоу и выбирать порядок и интервал их смены
🖼️ Добавлять изображения для сайтов или фона домашней страницы напрямую с веб-страниц или указав их веб-адрес - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17682580, 2 years agoПробовал много подобных.Это лучшее на данный момент.
Developer response
posted 2 years ago🎄 С Новым Годом!
Спасибо за отзыв и поддержку.
🎄 Будем стараться и дальше радовать вас новыми функциями в новом году.
↗️ Сделайте нам новогодний подарок и расскажите о SwiftDial друзьям и в соц. сетях.
🔗 - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14745572, 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 16176216, 2 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by DIX56, 2 years ago
Developer response
posted 2 years ago🎄 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your support.
↗️ Please spread the word on social media. That would help out a lot.
🔗 Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14720164, 2 years ago
- Rated 3 out of 5by Juha, 2 years agoMost customizable out of all the dials I've tried, so I definitely recommend it overall. I would have given it 5 stars, but I had to take 2 away because there are several issues that could be improved.
1) I don't like that I have to make an extra click to access Site Groups. I wish they were on top of the page like tabs in a browser. It's very impractical if you have multiple groups and have to access the sidebar every time you want to switch.
2) It's great that I can quickly add a site with a small icon in the search bar, but it would be better if it remembered I've already added it. Clicking the icon again and adding the website will result in two identical shortcuts on the dial. It should work as an editable icon, so that when I click it the second time, I would be able to edit information of the shortcut (change photo or name from there instead of having to do it on the main dial page). Choosing the folder to save it to would also be practical.
3) Setting images can be tedious; I work with a trackpad on a laptop and holding it for a longer time is really uncomfortable. This goes for deleting groups too. Also, sometimes when I try to add an image from a link it says "wrong file".
4) This isn't a problem as such, but for personal preference I would like a less visible shadow around the tile edges, it would make it look cleaner.Developer response
posted 2 years ago🎁 Your donations will help us get back to releasing new versions of SwiftDial more regularly:
Thank you for your recommendation.
✔️ As of version 34 you can now pin site groups to the homepage.
✔️ You can preview and edit all the properties of the site you're visiting without going to the speed dial itself.
✔️ You can have as many identical/similar sites in as many groups as you want. It wouldn't be right for us to restrict that.
✔️ From version 53 you can now move a site to a desired group upon adding it to the homepage via the SwiftDial browser toolbar icon
✔️ If you're not comfortable with the trackpad (and we can relate to that) and don't have a more convenient pointing device, you can always use SwiftDial with the keyboard. A lot of people even prefer keyboard for working with menu forms.
🎁 Ваши донаты помогут нам вернуться к более регулярному выпуску новых версий SwiftDial и других наших решений:
Спасибо за рекоммендацию.
✔️ Начиная с версии 34 вы теперь можете прикреплять группы сайтов на домашнюю страницу.
✔️ Вы можете посмотреть и отредактировать данные для сайта, на котором находитесь не переходя на саму экспресс-панель.
✔️ Вы можете создавать столько одинаковых/похожих сайтов в стольких группах, в скольких захотите. С нашей стороны было бы неправильно ограничивать такую возможность.
✔️ Начиная с версии 53 вы теперь можете переместить сайт в нужную группу сразу при добавлении его на домашнюю страницу через иконку SwiftDial на панели инструментов браузера.
✔️ Если Вам некомфортно пользоваться тракпадом ноутбука (а нам это знакомо) и у Вас под рукой нет более удобного устройства вроде мыши, Вы всегда можете использовать SwiftDial при помощи клавиатуры. Многие даже предпочитают использовать клавиатуру, когда работают с формами меню. - Rated 5 out of 5by Vaso, 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13489058, 3 years agoExcellent module ! Pas mieux à mon avis dans ce créneau !
Developer response
posted 2 years agoMerci.
Content que tu aimes notre extension.
↗️ Parlez à vos amis de SwiftDial.
🔗 Developer response
posted 2 years agoThank you.
Glad that you like our extension.
↗️ Please tell your friends about SwiftDial
🔗 Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14830309, 3 years ago
- Rated 3 out of 5by Rusty Trombone, 3 years agoLooks good, but can't use as there's a limit to 100px dials and that's too big: it doesn't give me enough dials. Also the extension calls itself swift, but then even button presses in the menu must unusally be held for a longer time. Additionally, unlike other similar extensions, it didn't allow dials to be made that didn't have a strict internet address. I want for example a dial to go to my Ant Downloader extension settings, but can't.
Developer response
posted 3 years ago🎁 With ratings, mentions, likes and follows you help new users discover the conveniences of SwiftDial:
Hi, Rusty.
Thank you for trying out our extension.
✔️ Only buttons like "Reset All Settings Now" require holding them for 0.5 seconds. It's to prevent accidental unwanted changes. All the other buttons don't require that.
✔️ From version 31 you can save extension pages to speed dial.
✔️ As of version 46 we've lowered minimum value for the width and height of site tiles to 50 so that users on mobile devices can fit more tiles on their screens
🎁 Оценками, упоминаниями, лайками и подписками Вы помогаете новым пользователям открыть для себя удобства SwiftDial:
Здравствуйте, Rusty.
Спасибо, что попробовали наше дополнение.
✔️ Только кнопки вроде "Сбросить все настройки сейчас" нужно удерживать 0.5 секунды. Это нужно, чтобы предотвратить случайные ненамеренные изменения. На все остальные кнопки это не распространяется.
✔️ Начиная с версии 31 вы можете сохранять в SwiftDial и адреса страниц дополнений.
✔️ Начиная с версии 46 мы понизили минимальное значение ширины и высоты плиток сайтов до 50, чтобы пользователи на мобильных устройствах могли поместить больше плиток на экране. - Rated 5 out of 5by Trisha, 3 years agoI absolutely LOVE this extension! So much better than others I have tried. BONUS: You can save your speed dials to a file on your PC or laptop, without them charging you for that option! I would happily send a donation to the developers of this app if they message me with how/where to do that.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoDear Trisha. Thank you for your support.
Glad that you enjoy our extension.
We hope that our newest update that we released recently will also be to your liking.
There are more updates on the way.
↗️ You can make donations using this link:
🔗 - Rated 5 out of 5by Bruno Vivas, 3 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 13015115, 3 years agoПриложение понравилось. Но 4 поставил из-за некоторого неудобства доступа к группам. Сделайте пожалуйста чтобы они были видны на стартовом экране и чтобы можно было переключаться между группами в одно "касание".
Спасибо!Developer response
posted 3 years ago🎁 Ваши донаты помогут нам вернуться к более регулярному выпуску новых версий SwiftDial и других наших решений:
Спасибо за отзыв.
Рады, что Вам пришлось по вкусу наше дополнение.
✔️ Начиная с версии 34 появилась возможность прикреплять группы сайтов к домашней странице.
✔️ Также существует возможность переводить панели SwiftDial (включая панель "Группы сайтов") в авто-скрытый режим кликнув на пустое место на домашней странице или дважды кликнув по заголовку панели.
✔️ С помощью авто-скрытого режима и настроек открытия сайтов в новой вкладке Вы даже можете переключаться между группами сайтов и открывать сайты не покидая текущую вкладку и не закрывая панель "Группы сайтов".
🎁 Your donations will help us get back to releasing new versions of SwiftDial more regularly:
Thank you for the review.
Glad that you enjoy our extension.
✔️ Starting with the version 34 you can now pin site groups to the homepage.
✔️ You can also switch SwiftDial panels (including the Site Groups panel) to auto-hidden mode by clicking an empty space on the homepage or by double-clicking the title of the menu panel.
✔️ With the help of this mode and site opening behavior settings you can even switch between site groups and open sites, all without leaving the current page and closing Site Groups. - Rated 5 out of 5by Artur, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17348867, 3 years agoОтличное приложение. Можно разместить огромное количество закладок, настроить внешний вид по своему вкусу.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoСпасибо за отзыв.
Мы ценим Вашу поддержку.
↗️ Рассказывайте о SwiftDial друзьям и в соц. сетях.
🔗 - Rated 5 out of 5by Mikhail, 3 years agoЛучший dial что я видел из всех, красивый, функциональный, простой. Рекомендую.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoСпасибо за отзыв и рекомедацию.
Рады, что Вам нравится наше дополнение.
↗️ Не забывайте рассказывать о SwiftDial друзьям.
🔗 - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 16651175, 3 years ago
Developer response
posted 3 years agoThank you for the review.
If you are interested in our extension, please tell us what functionality you need via our contact email.
📱 Install and use SwiftDial with popular (Desktop and some Mobile) web browsers
➕ Add, remove, edit and reorder sites on the SwiftDial homepage
✔️ Open, close, switch to auto-hidden mode and then invoke menu panels
🖼️ Use custom images as site thumbnails
🎨 Set site background color and opacity
📐 Set the dimensions and roundness of site tiles as well as the gaps between them
📐 Set the width of the site tiles area, spacing from the edges of the homepage and site tiles alignment
📐 Choose whether site tiles should always preserve their dimensions or adapt to browser window size
🔲 Add site border and set its width and color
📝 Add site titles and set their position, size, color, as well as the color and opacity of their background
✨ Liven up the appearance of the home page with the mouse hover effects
✔️ Choose where the main menu is supposed to be on the homepage - top, bottom, vertically on the left side or vertically on the right side
✔️ Hide the main menu to enjoy your speed dial without distractions
🎨 Choose a background color of the SwiftDial homepage
🖼️ Use your own custom images or the images from the built-in gallery as the homepage background
🖼️ Create and edit several types of multi-color gradients of your choice for the homepage background
🖼️ Combine several homepage backgrounds into a slideshow and choose their change interval and order
🖌️ Choose the Light, Dark and High Contrast menu themes
🖌️ Choose the Auto menu theme that adapts to your system preferences
🎨 Choose any of the more than 3 million colors of the Customizable menu theme
🎨 Set opacity of the menu panels background
📂 Create, edit and reorder site groups
📂 Use your own custom images or their silhouettes, or choose between the 160 icons from the built-in gallery as site group icons
📂 Pin site groups to the homepage
📂 Move sites between site groups
📂 Open all sites in a site group in new tabs in one click
↗️ Open sites in current and new tabs and windows
🔒 Use the Fixed Mode to lock the current state of your settings and sites
🔗 Copy site links
👍 Easily share site links on social media
🏳️ Choose between English, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Chinese and Japanese languages
🖱️ Use the extension with a mouse, a keyboard and touch devices
🛡️ Backup/restore settings and sites
🛡️ Reset settings and sites to the default state
🛡️ Be sure that your settings and sites are stored on your device and are not being sent anywhere else
🛡️ Manage SwiftDial's permissions
➕ Add sites to the homepage using the SwiftDial icon on the browser toolbar
🖼️ Automatically generate site images or icons
📷 Generate site screenshots
🖼️ Add images as site thumbnails or as hompage backgrounds directly from web pages or by supplying their web addresses
✔️ Use SwiftDial even in private windows
↗️ Open sites in new private windows