Review by Ferryman
Rated 1 out of 5
by Ferryman, 4 months agoI can't tell it works. Every attempt to connect to my NAS failed, always an error 103. Double checked settings, all were saved and correct, to no avail.
11 reviews
- Rated 2 out of 5by Jirka Justra, 3 years agotldr.: nice frontend, but broken inside :(
Little to no visual feedback. You really do not know if something is happening in background, or it just silently errored out. Features are good, but they fail to deliver most of a time. Intercept feature is really nice, but it didn't worked for me also. I've tested this addon with other Synology Nas addon installed - so that may be a factor. - Rated 1 out of 5by Silpion, 4 years agoNe fonctionne plus : erreur 103, comme le commentaire précédent (les paramètres ont été vérifiés plusieurs fois). Je me suis rabattu sur l'extension NAS Download Manager.
- Rated 1 out of 5by M_le_Maudit, 4 years agoImpossible de me connecter à mon NAS :
***Impossible de se connecter***
Erreur 103 : La méthode demandée n'existe pas. - Rated 4 out of 5by bagupremier, 5 years agoCette extension mériterait 5 étoiles si l'on pouvait empêcher son fonctionnement sur certains sites (ex : aliexpress)
Que ce soit une liste de sites autorisés (préférable selon moi) ou une liste de sites interdits.
Car sinon, lorsque l'on visite un site affichant des vidéos promotionnelles, on se retrouve avec l'extension qui nous saute au visage toutes les 15 secondes. - Rated 5 out of 5by rb07, 5 years agoConfiguration doesn't work at all, no error displayed (plugin & NAS logs) but it never connects.
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Latest version, 1.68.
I don't see any change after I "click" connect, no message, no anything. I quote "click" because the button is so ugly I can't tell if it is enabled or not (after I fill every single field above it).
No port problem, I didn't use the port to configure Download Station, I used the destination, my link looks like this (when used on the browser, the plugin doesn't show anything in that field):
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OK, I'm progressing a little bit... I found that the check marks on the right of each field have to be pushed to store the value (I thought before they were only showing that the value was somewhat valid).
Now the plugin is showing "***Connection un progress***", and not moving from there.
BTW the message should be "Connection in progress".
The link used looks a bit odd, https and port are redundant, don't know if that is the problem... or the plugin doesn't do https (no problem on the NAS side, the Web server does have a valid Cert).
The link looks like:
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When I use the "Link to Download Station" in my browser it works fine, I get the login screen where I use the exact user/password I'm setting in the plugin.
With tcpdump I can see there is traffic, but of course I can't see what it is (https is encrypted).
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I get a 404 The page you are looking for cannot be found.
Does this web api has to be enabled somewhere?
BTW using DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 4.
Perhaps you meant:
I get a long page from that address. Do you really want to see that?
A redacted (short) output is at:
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No, the 5001 is the regular https port of DSM, I can get the same response if I use:
Note the only difference to what you posted is adding the "customized alias" (like the DSM Control Panel's Application Portal names it).
I did sent you an email before starting to post here... I guess you didn't receive it (it was to the support address shown below).
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Working now.Developer response
posted 5 years agoWhat version you use ? If you use the last (1.68), it display errors... when you click on the connect button... A lot of people have port problem ? Which port have you chosen (some of them are forbidden by firefox like the 21) ? Are you in http or https ?
I understand your problem... I think you have'nt validate your settings... Effectively, the button connect is not active if your settings are not saved...
When your fill the fields for IP, port etc, you must validate it by clicking on the blue "V" button which appear at the right side of the field.
The only case when the connection button always ride on ***Connection un progress*** (yes i made a typing error) is when you recieve a response but with a non good format... It mean that whether the problem is on the domain name or in the port... In your case i think they are good... (it is not a problem the port is redundant because it need to be here for technical reasons... but maybe your real acces port is not 443... i don't think so in your case but still check your port redirection settings on your NAS, try the 5001). Otherwise, i think the problem came from the type of account you have... I explain, if when you type your domain name "" in adress bar and it leads to a download station tab without access to anything else... It could be a probleme because my extension does not only use the Download Station API, and need an acces to the Authentification API... normaly it work even with a restrained account to Download Station but i don't know why, in some case, it fail...
Or maybe it is just simply a permission problem... in your settings panel on your NAS, check if your user account has acces to Download Station... Control Panel -> User -> select your account -> modify -> Applications tab (maybe in english it is not applications, maybe app or something like that) -> look if Download Station is checked and maybe DSM (not necessary normaly but maybe)...
I don't think your problem come from login or password because if it was, an error should be displayed...
If you can type this on your firefox adress bar : https://YOURHOST:PORT/webapi/query.cgi?api=SYNO.API.Info&version=1&method=query&query=all
replace "YOURHOST" and "PORT" by yours and say me what is the response displayed on firefox.
It is a request of pre-connection, if you have a response, it could help me to identify the problem.
OK, if you recieve a response by typing https://myNAS:5001/webapi........ in your address bar it mean that you sould use your "MyNAS" in the IP field and your "5001" in the port field and dont forget to check https (is in blue when is checked)... and normally it cannot be failed even if there is a problem whith login or password... it could't stay on "connection in progress" more than 5 second and after it display the type of error...
The only solution that i can see is maybe you havent checked the HTTPS field...
Otherwise if you have a little time to help me to relsove this problem, i can giving you instructions to check functions but it would be more easy by mail...
Sorry i could'nt answer you those days... I've seen your email, i've sent you one with a procedure to check your connection. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 15292692, 5 years agoj'aime beaucoup cette extension , entierement fonctionnelle pour moi.
une option qui me serait bien utile: la confirmation auto
une case a valider et s'en est fini de la boite de dialogue a cocher avant le téléchargement
merci d'avanceDeveloper response
posted 5 years agoPas bête, je n'y avais pas pensé, j'essaierai d'ajouter cette option lors de la prochaine mise à jour. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14587373, 6 years ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14325703, 6 years ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 12354884, 7 years ago