TornMarket+ by Ricardo Osorio
Adds extra information to the market pages of the game Torn helping you spot deals and products selling under market price!
You'll need Firefox to use this extension
Extension Metadata

About this extension
Having a player driven economy, products can be found selling at a wide range of prices every day, some people have the patient to wait for a seller willing to offer what they are asking for while others just want to make a quick buck and don't care about a smaller margin... Sometimes you even find products selling for a lower price than what the NPC stores offer for it!
It's possible to manually check the price for each item at a time but the process is tedious and time consuming, hence why I have transformed pages like the market to highlight items that can be used to make profit through reselling!
It's possible to manually check the price for each item at a time but the process is tedious and time consuming, hence why I have transformed pages like the market to highlight items that can be used to make profit through reselling!
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PermissionsLearn more
This add-on needs to:
- Access your data for www.torn.com
- Access your data for api.torn.com
More information
- Version
- 0.1.3
- Size
- 75.71 KB
- Last updated
- 3 years ago (Mar 27, 2022)
- Related Categories
- License
- MIT License
- Version History
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Release notes for 0.1.3
Add category selection settings to popup and other small fixes:
- Removed inline script from popup due to being against chrome's policy
- Fixed outdated comments
- Fixed popup values not being stored correctly all the time
- Now storing the API items categories together with the rest of the data
- Updated how items categories are fetched from the DOM (different element attribute that matches with the API data)
- Bazaar script now filters out items not on the predefined categories.
- Updated popup with new table that allows to select in which categories the profit elements should show up
- Bazaar and Market now filter out items based on desired settings (popup selection)
- Remove previously hardcoded categories
- Other small fixes like early returns and extra undefined checks
- Bumped version to 0.1.3
- Removed inline script from popup due to being against chrome's policy
- Fixed outdated comments
- Fixed popup values not being stored correctly all the time
- Now storing the API items categories together with the rest of the data
- Updated how items categories are fetched from the DOM (different element attribute that matches with the API data)
- Bazaar script now filters out items not on the predefined categories.
- Updated popup with new table that allows to select in which categories the profit elements should show up
- Bazaar and Market now filter out items based on desired settings (popup selection)
- Remove previously hardcoded categories
- Other small fixes like early returns and extra undefined checks
- Bumped version to 0.1.3
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