Reviews for Workona Spaces & Tab Manager
Workona Spaces & Tab Manager by Workona
Review by jDally987
Rated 5 out of 5
by jDally987, 5 years agoUPDATE 09/19/20: Ok I changed my mind. Workona good. I'm sorry
Just a couple days after I posted the below review, a member of Workona's support team personally emailed me and wanted to work through my issues, point by point. Typical customer support stuff but they do seem especially genuine about it, and I gotta say it was somewhat impressive that they reached out to me first. But most importantly:
"...our product team has created a way for you to download your account’s Workona data from the following URL:"
Holy crap!
And it works great, spits out a .json formatted file with all your workspaces, URLs and etc. Mine turned out to be 16MB (!) and from the language he used in the email, it sounded almost as if it was made...recently?... in fact it made me legitimately wonder whether they had seen my (several) tweets and emails asking for that feature, and coded it together expressly, for me.
Now of course, maybe they just saw this scathing review, or idk, maybe I didn't see a bunch of other people asking for an export-data feature as well. (Although, I can't find the link to the page through googling, so it's definitely brand-new...) Either way, doesn't matter - I was fully expecting to get blown off until kingdom come but instead they delivered, and I was a little bit blown away. Any other company would MAYBE take a year or more to deliver on such a request, that is if they would even be willing to give users that kind of control over their data, in such an easily accessible form, at all. (users' data being basically the #1 source of revenue for most modern tech companies, keep in mind). I HAVE to give them major kudos for this.
I'll leave the original text up because Workona definitely still has some growing pains, but I'll admit I may have written it in an unnecessarily angry state of mind, with an unnecessary amount of nitpicking. It's worth pointing out that the only reason I was so irate is because I now DEPEND on Workona as an essential component of my workflow, and couldn't handle the - honestly, quite few and by no means world-ending - bugs that might be there. Which obviously says something about the greatness of the extension.
I'd say try it out, and just report any bugs you find. 99% of the time, it works freakin great. If you hate it, there's literally no downside now with the export-your-data functionality, as you can just migrate to something else and take your workspaces with you, if need be.
The only true annoyance, if I'm being real, is the resource consumption (always the highest CPU-muncher in Firefox's Task Manager). If they can hammer that out a bit, this thing may - MAY - be a contender (next to Bitwarden) for one of the few extensions you install right away when setting up a fresh browser.
I've really about had it with workona. I've been using it for what feels like a very long time now; at least a year or 2, and the constant problems with it are enough to make me detest using it, despite how useful it once was and still is, if I can ignore how much hair it's making me lose.
Settings never save, for some reason. I've emailed support about it, and I can't reproduce it but sometimes I'll just open the browser and my settings have inexplicably changed to the defaults. This is ridiculously annoying because I hate the "hidden tabs" window, basically a waste-of-space dummy window that clogs up your computer's taskbar and minimizes itself upon opening it, because you're not supposed to use it directly. Problem is sometimes it gobbles up some of my active tabs, so to get them back, I have to fight with the stupid hidden window, trying to select all the tabs I need back and drag them to another "real" chrome window, all within about 2 seconds before it gets away by cheekily minimizing itself, along with my tabs. It's infuriating. But anyway that's the default and every time I reinstall workona on a new computer I have to make sure to change it or else deal with the BS later. Another default option is that when saving a workspace, it won't automatically save your open tabs (I think). So sometimes I'll save a window full of tabs thinking they're safe; open it up later, and nothing is there. Sure there's a history feature for each workspace which is nice but it's kind of out of the way and I don't trust it anyway to reliably track changes between all of my various computers.
Oh what else... pictures and fonts are broken in Firefox if you use the Strict privacy feature; Workona is still usable but it's ugly as heck and you have to remember where all the buttons+their respective functions are, because they turn into blocks of text-links rather than an identifiable button. Emailed support about this also and they basically suggested switching to the Standard security setting, which I did because I don't actually care that much, but for others that's a straight up unacceptable compromise to make for one poorly-coded extension.
And now the real meat of my issues. Once you get to a certain mass of saved workspaces, Workona becomes an absolute behemoth of computer resources. At least on Ubuntu Linux/Pop_OS, my laptop fans run at full speed guaranteed within 10 minutes of opening firefox, once workona has pulled down all my workspaces. And mind you I only mean that they're displayed in the workspaces list; I usually have only 1-3 open at a given time. And yet Workona is consistently the TOP memory/CPU hog BY FAR AND AWAY, verified by the Task Manager in firefox and KDE's KSysGuard, and it was this way even in Windows with regular Chrome as well. I'm not sure what the hell it's doing that requires such immense processing power, but it LITERALLY kills my battery dead in no time and that's just utterly insane. Some rogue javascript cancer add-on has no place in being my device(s') #1 power drain, period. BTW yes, I have thousands+ at least of tabs saved in probably hundreds of workspaces now (which I'm trying to get under control lol) but as a software engineer I know that shouldn't matter, and tells me their development suffers badly from scaling bottlenecks. Cmon guys it's pretty bad that that's an issue. Just because you have to store maybe a few kilobytes' worth of URLs, maximum, in the local db cache or whatever does not mean they should be eating up CPU resources as well at idle. To reiterate, this happens when I have literally 2 open workspaces (maybe 25-50 tabs at most) and yet FF's task manager identifies workona as the top offender and it's not even close.
Finally, the data ownership issue. I'm a proponent of personal privacy and owning your own data, nothing insane, but I prefer to be able to export stuff into a raw format and work with it myself, for transferring to another browser or service locally, without relying on a cloud/internet connection or a single company holding it all hostage. I've tweeted, emailed, etc Workona about this tons of times now and always get something like "it's coming soon!" but have seen absolutely nothing materialize. I need to be able to export a list (.txt, JSON, a CSV, I don't care, anything!) of all my stored/archived workspaces, resources, open tab URL's, history. Any or all. Just something, please - but there is no love so far.
And that is the final thing making me salty right now... I'm fed up with Workona and want to switch to something else, probably a cloud-synced bookmark service or something, but I have tons of important stuff locked in my workona account. I want to export it into a file locally so I can write a script or something to convert to bookmarks, easily importable into Firefox or Chrome or what have you. Opening each of my workspaces and bookmarking the tabs into folders + naming them identically by hand would take freaking forever, and this should theoretically take no time at all to implement by the devs; but for whatever reason they don't seem to view it as a priority. Well thanks, guys. I don't expect a single startup to respond to my every beck and call, but I do expect to be able to take some of my work I did with them and leave with it if I want to, but I really cannot do it easily right now. Shame. I didn't want to be mad at them, but they apparently don't care much, so maybe this overly verbose review will get them to think about it a little more.
Just a couple days after I posted the below review, a member of Workona's support team personally emailed me and wanted to work through my issues, point by point. Typical customer support stuff but they do seem especially genuine about it, and I gotta say it was somewhat impressive that they reached out to me first. But most importantly:
"...our product team has created a way for you to download your account’s Workona data from the following URL:"
Holy crap!
And it works great, spits out a .json formatted file with all your workspaces, URLs and etc. Mine turned out to be 16MB (!) and from the language he used in the email, it sounded almost as if it was made...recently?... in fact it made me legitimately wonder whether they had seen my (several) tweets and emails asking for that feature, and coded it together expressly, for me.
Now of course, maybe they just saw this scathing review, or idk, maybe I didn't see a bunch of other people asking for an export-data feature as well. (Although, I can't find the link to the page through googling, so it's definitely brand-new...) Either way, doesn't matter - I was fully expecting to get blown off until kingdom come but instead they delivered, and I was a little bit blown away. Any other company would MAYBE take a year or more to deliver on such a request, that is if they would even be willing to give users that kind of control over their data, in such an easily accessible form, at all. (users' data being basically the #1 source of revenue for most modern tech companies, keep in mind). I HAVE to give them major kudos for this.
I'll leave the original text up because Workona definitely still has some growing pains, but I'll admit I may have written it in an unnecessarily angry state of mind, with an unnecessary amount of nitpicking. It's worth pointing out that the only reason I was so irate is because I now DEPEND on Workona as an essential component of my workflow, and couldn't handle the - honestly, quite few and by no means world-ending - bugs that might be there. Which obviously says something about the greatness of the extension.
I'd say try it out, and just report any bugs you find. 99% of the time, it works freakin great. If you hate it, there's literally no downside now with the export-your-data functionality, as you can just migrate to something else and take your workspaces with you, if need be.
The only true annoyance, if I'm being real, is the resource consumption (always the highest CPU-muncher in Firefox's Task Manager). If they can hammer that out a bit, this thing may - MAY - be a contender (next to Bitwarden) for one of the few extensions you install right away when setting up a fresh browser.
I've really about had it with workona. I've been using it for what feels like a very long time now; at least a year or 2, and the constant problems with it are enough to make me detest using it, despite how useful it once was and still is, if I can ignore how much hair it's making me lose.
Settings never save, for some reason. I've emailed support about it, and I can't reproduce it but sometimes I'll just open the browser and my settings have inexplicably changed to the defaults. This is ridiculously annoying because I hate the "hidden tabs" window, basically a waste-of-space dummy window that clogs up your computer's taskbar and minimizes itself upon opening it, because you're not supposed to use it directly. Problem is sometimes it gobbles up some of my active tabs, so to get them back, I have to fight with the stupid hidden window, trying to select all the tabs I need back and drag them to another "real" chrome window, all within about 2 seconds before it gets away by cheekily minimizing itself, along with my tabs. It's infuriating. But anyway that's the default and every time I reinstall workona on a new computer I have to make sure to change it or else deal with the BS later. Another default option is that when saving a workspace, it won't automatically save your open tabs (I think). So sometimes I'll save a window full of tabs thinking they're safe; open it up later, and nothing is there. Sure there's a history feature for each workspace which is nice but it's kind of out of the way and I don't trust it anyway to reliably track changes between all of my various computers.
Oh what else... pictures and fonts are broken in Firefox if you use the Strict privacy feature; Workona is still usable but it's ugly as heck and you have to remember where all the buttons+their respective functions are, because they turn into blocks of text-links rather than an identifiable button. Emailed support about this also and they basically suggested switching to the Standard security setting, which I did because I don't actually care that much, but for others that's a straight up unacceptable compromise to make for one poorly-coded extension.
And now the real meat of my issues. Once you get to a certain mass of saved workspaces, Workona becomes an absolute behemoth of computer resources. At least on Ubuntu Linux/Pop_OS, my laptop fans run at full speed guaranteed within 10 minutes of opening firefox, once workona has pulled down all my workspaces. And mind you I only mean that they're displayed in the workspaces list; I usually have only 1-3 open at a given time. And yet Workona is consistently the TOP memory/CPU hog BY FAR AND AWAY, verified by the Task Manager in firefox and KDE's KSysGuard, and it was this way even in Windows with regular Chrome as well. I'm not sure what the hell it's doing that requires such immense processing power, but it LITERALLY kills my battery dead in no time and that's just utterly insane. Some rogue javascript cancer add-on has no place in being my device(s') #1 power drain, period. BTW yes, I have thousands+ at least of tabs saved in probably hundreds of workspaces now (which I'm trying to get under control lol) but as a software engineer I know that shouldn't matter, and tells me their development suffers badly from scaling bottlenecks. Cmon guys it's pretty bad that that's an issue. Just because you have to store maybe a few kilobytes' worth of URLs, maximum, in the local db cache or whatever does not mean they should be eating up CPU resources as well at idle. To reiterate, this happens when I have literally 2 open workspaces (maybe 25-50 tabs at most) and yet FF's task manager identifies workona as the top offender and it's not even close.
Finally, the data ownership issue. I'm a proponent of personal privacy and owning your own data, nothing insane, but I prefer to be able to export stuff into a raw format and work with it myself, for transferring to another browser or service locally, without relying on a cloud/internet connection or a single company holding it all hostage. I've tweeted, emailed, etc Workona about this tons of times now and always get something like "it's coming soon!" but have seen absolutely nothing materialize. I need to be able to export a list (.txt, JSON, a CSV, I don't care, anything!) of all my stored/archived workspaces, resources, open tab URL's, history. Any or all. Just something, please - but there is no love so far.
And that is the final thing making me salty right now... I'm fed up with Workona and want to switch to something else, probably a cloud-synced bookmark service or something, but I have tons of important stuff locked in my workona account. I want to export it into a file locally so I can write a script or something to convert to bookmarks, easily importable into Firefox or Chrome or what have you. Opening each of my workspaces and bookmarking the tabs into folders + naming them identically by hand would take freaking forever, and this should theoretically take no time at all to implement by the devs; but for whatever reason they don't seem to view it as a priority. Well thanks, guys. I don't expect a single startup to respond to my every beck and call, but I do expect to be able to take some of my work I did with them and leave with it if I want to, but I really cannot do it easily right now. Shame. I didn't want to be mad at them, but they apparently don't care much, so maybe this overly verbose review will get them to think about it a little more.
128 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by 退出中共邪教党团队避疫, a month ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by jguzmans, a month agoGet some duplicates, but still very useful for work with multiple websites
Allow me to organize those websites in "spaces" so i can focus only on the pages im working on - Rated 5 out of 5by Samuel, 2 months ago
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14801612, 3 months ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 18679797, 3 months agoWorkona on Firefox caused tabs to get duplicated like wildfire, tabs to mysteriously wind up in other workspaces, tabs to have imprecise favicons and SEO titles, and tabs to get deleted. It should not be marketed as a solution for Firefox. It caused me much stress and required about 15 hours to individually export all tabs across all workspaces to bookmarks.
- Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18644897, 5 months ago
- Rated 1 out of 5by Firefox user 18599042, 6 months agoBeen a fan since 2020. But now workona is awfull.
Slow, rearrange and duplicate some tabs, doesn't save others. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 14652279, 7 months ago
- Rated 2 out of 5by TompiDev, 10 months agoHmmm... NOTHING is cleared for free users! You will only find out what the restrictions are if you are already using the application. The FAQ doesn't say anything either, there are only links to the price list, where there is only the list from the PRO version. Today, the price of PRO is 7€/month, which I consider a bit excessive. Payment is ONLY possible by credit card! No thanks!
- Rated 5 out of 5by JetpackOps, a year ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14376884, a year agoOttimo add-on per gestione e salvataggio delle schede aperte (grazie a questa estensione a volte salvo le pagine da vedere in seguito come tabs invece che come segnalibri, risparmiando del tempo)
- Rated 1 out of 5by Voynich, a year agoAwfull. Worst addon i ever tried.
Slow, duplicate some tabs, doesn't save others: it looks great, but it's a WASTE OF TIME (and tabs...) to try to make it work.
I uninstalled this plague.
Plague? Really? Oh yes : even if unactivated and uninstalled (yes, i followed the intructions), somehow it still adds his url in some of my new tabs, slowing all my navigation with this... don't know... it looks like it synchronize my tabs with workona's server before to properly load them on the FF user interface... I'm logged off, it's uninstalled, and apparently it still has connections with my FF. It LOOKS LIKE A VERY SERIOUS CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUE.
I don't know how to get rid of this. I probably wlll have to save everything i can, uninstall FF and reinstall it.
I already did lost a lot of work and time by using this addon in order to save time, and this nightmare is not over.
Don't even try this. Never. Please.Developer response
posted a year agoWe sincerely apologize for your poor experience. However, you are misunderstanding the nature of the behavior you're seeing.
One of the benefits of Workona is reduced browser memory usage. You can see our blog post about the original motivation for this feature here:
You have full control over this feature and its settings. By default, we open tabs in a suspended state in order to be able to restore your previous tabs nearly instantly — even if you had 100 tabs open in that space. If you click on a tab, it's immediately redirected to your URL. There is nothing going on on those pages besides a simple Javascript redirect (which you can verify yourself).
Using a web URL instead of an extension URL makes it a far better experience than other tab suspender extensions, since if you uninstall an extension, those suspended tabs stop working entirely. In other words, the fact that you are still being redirected to your actual tabs (one more time, per tab) after already uninstalling the extension is precisely why we do it that way. As our CTO put it:
"You can start using it today and stop using it whenever you want, without fear of losing any of your suspended tabs (plus, it will also repair any broken Great Suspender tabs it finds)."
Regarding the tabs you lost, we have multiple mechanisms to help users restore in situations like this, so please reach out to our support team for help: - Rated 2 out of 5by Firefox user 13700330, a year agoAdd-on deleted my previously saved tabs from a few months ago.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 12775621, a year agoÓtimo, estava precisando organizar as minhas abas com o workspace.
- Rated 1 out of 5by kowodo, a year ago- Lost my work and tabs when moving tabs from one space to another - plugin is buggy
- very slow when switching spaces with more tabs (about 30 seconds each time for me)
- sometimes I open space and the tabs are not showing up in browser. So I have to switch to another space only then the tabs from previous space shows up .... its buggy. - Rated 4 out of 5by Firefox user 18109531, a year agoI love the fact of having different concrete and distinct spaces. This allows me to smoothly transition from one state to another, while allowing me to be very focused when I am in one space.
There are still some bugs that needs to be fixed, and some initial struggles with working together with persistent pins. But once I fixed it, I've loved using this extension since. - Rated 5 out of 5by SA, a year agoSept 2023 review: I started with the free version years ago and immediately loved the concept. I have always struggled with keeping bookmarks organized and tried countless ways to save them in a way that made it easy to find what I wanted, but nothing helped until Workona. It was a radically new way to handle tabs I'd never seen before. In the early years, changes by browsers would cause issues with Workona but that hasn't been a problem for over a yr now. I upgraded to the paid version and can't imagine how I ever lived without it. This is the first product that has ever helped me save tabs in a way that makes it simple to find what I want since the invention of the internet. It did have some rocky moments in the early years but now it is an elegant and seamless solution. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL IS THEIR PRIVACY POLICY - I WILL NOT USE A PRODUCT, NO MATTER HOW "GOOD" IT IS, IF THEY HARVEST MY DATA. My last job was handling security for Linux servers so I often use tools to see exactly what my extensions are sending back and forth and Workona is safe for those of us who value privacy above all else.
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17967821, 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14253212, 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Matix, 2 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14539170, 2 years agomakes organizing tabs and windows easier, enough said