Reviews for PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager
PocketTube: Youtube Subscription Manager by Dima Nabok
386 reviews
- Rated 5 out of 5by restless_rat, 3 years agoA bit slow
Update: Hi, you were right. I was investigating in a private tab. An extension called "600% Sound Volume" was really messing with my Youtube subscriptions page with this extension on. While looking through their extension reviews, I also found that their extension apparently injects code or something. Anyways, yeah, I removed the extension, and everything is fine now. I increased the rating to 5 stars, as it does everything I need it to. ThanksDeveloper response
posted 3 years agoI don't have similar requests. Maybe you conflict with something. Try to disable other extensions. If you detect something please let me know. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 14047124, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17433448, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Dmitry, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by ArkhamCookie, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Léana 江, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by VANAMALA MUKUND RAO, 3 years ago
Developer response
posted 3 years agoIt is available: Rated 5 out of 5by LionLord, 3 years agoSeеms that pockettube banned all users with russian language in operating system. developers need to now, that russian language is internetional language for many countries, like Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenia, Kyrgyzstan, even for Georfia, and Ukraine. So banning russian language, you banned a lot of users, that never was related to Russia-Ukraine relationship. If someone says that war in the Ukraine more important than anything, i will say when war was in my country, world went on, and no one did not condemn the agression against my people. Ukraine not special.
Upd. Last usable version for me is 11.0.11. Any above version just dont work. Im not from Russia or Ukraine. And understand your position. But something looks broken.
Upd 2. Thanks, changing country from Russia helps. Unfortunately youtube has no Armenia in country choice, so i was using Russia.Developer response
posted 3 years agoUPD: Glad to hear! It is weird YouTube behavior related to Armenia. I don't know about it, thank you for letting me know.
It is not true. PocketTube is not available only in Russia. I'm from Kyiv and using ru language and it is available. Ukraine is special, first of all for me. I'm not going to make and distribute my software to people who want to kill and bombing me, my family, my friends, and my country! - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13820476, 3 years agoI like the recent update. Though there is a bug at the Subscriptions page that appeared after that. If, say, I filtered out one group before I finished my previous session of browser. In the current session, I made some changes to the filtering (e.g., include that group back in). The changes would be applied normally at first glance, but when I scroll down the subscription videos list far enough such that the loading icon appears, after the loading finish the filtered results would be reverted back to the previous state (i.e., before I made the changes), and I have to change the filters again for it to work normally again. This would happen once for every session of the browser (i.e., if I restart Firefox this would occur again). I think this has something to do with how the filtering option is cache.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoIt looks strange because I can't reproduce it. Send me please screenshots on my mail: - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13452558, 3 years agoThere was a ton of channels that I visited frequently but didn't subscribe to in order to not turn my subs list into a cluttered mess. This extension brought order and allowed me to categorize subs into convenient groups! Recommend!
Developer response
posted 3 years agoSo happy to hear this. Thank you so much for your super kind words! - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17374416, 3 years agoSuper fast Bug fixing, fantastic extension. I can't live without it anymore. Thanks a lot! 🤩
Developer response
posted 3 years agoAbsolutely love hearing that you've been enjoying PocketTube. Really appreciate the kind words! :) - Rated 5 out of 5by Liu, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by ArioSuren, 3 years agoAfter a recent update can no longer click on the topmost subscription groups. There are now for some reason three white distracting circles on top (background), which not only distract, but also makes clicking on the topmost subscription groups brings the sorting menu instead of opening them... Not sure the circles are done by you or Youtube, anyway only way to fix is to hide the circles using ublock picker.
Edit: thanks.Developer response
posted 3 years agoUPD: The new version 11.1.13 is available on Firefox.
Yes, it happened to me too. It is a youtube update I've prepared a quick fix on the extension side. It'll be available after approving the new version soon. I'll notify you. - Rated 5 out of 5by Cricy, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Doug M, 3 years agoThis is a very handy extension for grouping subscriptions by category. I really like it. It did have a problem for about one day last week, in which Firefox froze. But I think that was a temporary bug. If I continue to like this add-on, I will send a PayPal or cup-of-coffee donation or something. It is very convenient.
Developer response
posted 3 years agoAbsolutely love hearing that you've been enjoying PocketTube. Really appreciate the kind words! :) - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 17246671, 3 years agoFirefox 91.7.1 / iMac
GREAT extension, I have a ton of subscriptions and this add-on allows me to quickly see new uploads organized into groups of my own creation...without have to scroll through dozens of channels individually. Bonus: the channel display of groups in YouTube Subscription manager defaults to their "uploads/video" list. Otherwise I often have to click that link on a subscribed to channel to bypass their intro videos/shorts/playlists or w/e. Good stuff!
The only "glitch" that doesn't even bother me is often having to re-load the Youtube main page to get YTSM to display new video counts next to my it needs to read the home page after it loads up or something...otherwise it's 100 percent.Developer response
posted 3 years agoSo excited to hear this! Sincerely appreciate the kind words. :) - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 13119367, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 15215236, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Vaso, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by IdFox, 3 years agoВ настоящий момент функционал расширения отключен самим автором
У него война в стране и таким образом он пытается обратить внимание людей
Я честно ему сочуствую, что творится на Украине это настоящий кошмар!
НО! К дополнению я ОЧЕНЬ сильно привык, заменить его реально нечем (
Без него я вообще как без рук в каше подписок
Так что народ, кто также сильно нуждается в данном дополнении
1. В настройках браузера запрещаем обновление данного расширения
2. Качаем старую версию (XPI файл) и перетаскиваем его на браузер (предложит установить)
Иной способ установки
- закрыть браузер
- перетащить в папку расширений в браузере - Mozilla PATH\profile\extensions
- открыть браузер
Ссылка со старой версией приложения
Само расширение оригинальное, ничего туда не добавлено и т.д
Все подписи в манифесте или где они там прописываются все теже самые
Да и мозилка вроде не дает не подписанные версии ставить
Автору могу только сказать "держись"
Я тоже желаю, чтобы этот дурдом как можно скорее закончился (
Извини, что выложил старую версию твоего расширения - Rated 5 out of 5by Seän Shepherd, 3 years ago
- Rated 5 out of 5by Oli, 3 years agoGood add-on... It was... But stopped working after the latest update (on March 1?)
Firefox 91.6.0esr
Can you please return everything back when it was working normally? - Rated 5 out of 5by Latdior, 3 years agoThis extension has single handedly made my YouTube experience out of this world. Thanks app i can actually decide what i want to watch and only watch that.
The supporter expansion has made my YouTube better than cable TV. I can choose which Category of Videos i want to watch and be shown only that.
I have been using this app since 2020 and Never had any complaints.
**One wish i have is to be able to add the group sync and backup for Firefox like how it is on chrome. however i can sync groups with Firefox sync to other PCs. - Rated 5 out of 5by Firefox user 16692247, 3 years agoThis takes care of my pet peeve. I love your work, human being responsible for this. I love your work.