Coin Dog
Coin Dog fetches your crypto prices right on your browser. Check prices, calculate rates and more!
0 users
Reminds you why you went on a website. Designed to help you stop losing track of time when on sites like Facebook etc. When you browse to a site you've told Artax about, it'll ask you what you want to do there, and when you want to be reminded.
0 users
Tabs Operations
A list of useful operations, like moving, closing etc that you can perform on a tab.
0 users
Delete Last Download
Shows the last downloaded item, and lets you open or delete it. If the user presses delete, the file is removed from disk and from the browser's downloads history.
0 users
Genshin promocode checker
Checking Genshin Impact Fandom page — /wiki/Promotional_Code — for new promocodes at regular intervals (3h default, min 1h). A notification pops up when a new code is detected, and then that code is stored locally, so that it's not detected as new.
0 users
Current Temprature
This Extension will tell you the current temprature with sky conditions and humidity around your locality
0 users
Weather AI
Get the most precise weather data
0 users
Lets you know when an audible tab is closed.
0 users
Get the realtime delay before the next RTC (Réseau de transport de la Capitale) bus arrives.
0 users
know the exact time , once u click on new tab
0 users
Aplicación para visualizar de forma sencilla las incidencias en las carreteras de Castilla y León.
0 users
Allback - Кэшбэк-сервис
Мы возвращаем до 30% от стоимости покупок более чем в 1000 интернет-магазинах мира.
0 users
Tech Controversy Companion
Companion tool for the website
0 users
웹 페이지 로드, 스크롤, 터치 이벤트 등 수집
0 users
Aggregates your notifications for Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and more in one place!
0 users
Drink Some Water
A reminder to drink some water every two hours.
0 users
Dario Moccia - Tracker Episodi
Tieni conto in automatico di quante volte hai visto le serie di Dario Moccia di Natale a Tokyo, Lost in Tokyo e Natale a New York!
0 users
Homejobshub Chat Tracking
The extension enables businesses to manage a remote team of customer care executives. It lets companies track the login/logout timings of agents on various live chat softwares. It also tracks the numbers of chats resolved by agents and also aims to r
0 users
Smag Jirlab extension
Extension SMAG pour faciliter la gestion des tâches / tickets entre gitlab et jira.
0 users
AymSSJ Live Extension
Soit notifié dès que je suis en live !
0 users
BitByteBinary Proctor
Automatically closes older tabs when entering the BitByteBinary exam portal. And doesn't allows the user to switch another tabs until user finishes the exam.
0 users
HTML Agent
Scanning configured websites for changes and forwards the changes over a socketIO connection
0 users
Blocks access to pornography sites when searched and redirects to a custom page.
0 users
LifeManager Pro
Simplify your life with LifeManager Pro, an all-in-one Firefox extension for financial management, health tracking, productivity, and smart notifications.
0 users
SQR - Jerewix
Refresher for Salesforce Queues
0 users