Global Dark Style
A configure dark theme with exception list to change everything to real dark
30 users
Page action for page scrolling. Click on the page action icon to scroll to the top, click again to go back to the previous / last position.
30 users
Heise Single Page
Zeigt Newsartikel auf Heise auf einer Seite an, öffnet die Threadanzeige im Forum und macht heise+ Artikel sichtbarer.
30 users
Snooze Master
Snooze the selected tabs by clicking and selecting a wake up time. Specify a relative time or absolute time and enter a reminder message. The tab's history is restored too if the tab was recently closed.
30 users
Youtube Like Percentage
Displays percentage of likes next to the likes bar. You must have Return Youtube Dislike extension installed available here
30 users
YouTube to Mp3 Converter fuzna
This addon places a fuzna button below youtube videos which triggers a mp3 conversion of the current video when clicked. It's simple and extremely fast!
30 users
Window Title Hider
Hides the browser window title on the task bar (shows a text first). Due to limitations in WebExtensions' API is not possible to remove the full title on just the window title, hence the reason to use a prefix.
30 users
Goita què fan ara
Extensió que indica el títols en català de Netflix i Prime Video.
30 users
Dark Connect
Dark mode extension for that replaces light colors with their dark theme.
29 users
Бесплатный Кинопоиск
Бесплатный просмотр фильмов и сериалов из кинопоиска.
29 users
The secret ingredient for a older (and better) looking YouTube.
29 users
Remove YouTube Recomendation
Removes the recommended videos from YouTube's Homepage
29 users
Link Preserver for Trello
Prevent Trello from transforming your links in card descriptions, checklist items, and comments.
29 users
Zombie Buster
Zombie Buster is a crazy zombie shooter in which you have a bomb-gun you’re not afraid to use
29 users
Revert YouTube UI
a temporary solution to revert to the old youtube ui. support me here:
29 users
Black Private Windows
Windows in private mode have a black/grey theme.
29 users
Fallen London Item Search
This extension adds item and quality search to the 'Myself' tab in Fallen London.
29 users
Recherche Amazon France
Le widget de recherche vous permet d'intégrer un champ de recherche sur votre navigateur mobile ou de bureau et pour rechercher le texte sélectionné sur Amazon
29 users
Simple Context Share
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more using the context menu
29 users
YouTube Video List View
Changes YouTube video list from grid view to list view
29 users
Night Shift (Lux control)
Control red, green, and blue color levels for both daytime and nighttime
29 users
Get Thumbnail to video YouTube
Make thumbnail previews or images for video from YouTube. Only one mouse click and you get a list of links to thumbnails with the available resolutions to this video!
29 users
Sydney (Bing Chat) for Firefox
Enable Sydney (a.k.a. Bing Chat) in Firefox, and default to using Bing Chat rather than Bing Search 🪄 Built by @lucasjohnston (
29 users
Muslim Tab
Muslim Tab is an Islamic themed new tab page. Every time when you open a new tab, it displays a random verse from the Quran.
29 users
Codeforces Friends Tracker
Get submissions of your friends for a particular Codeforces problem
29 users