Currency Calculators with affiliate
Real-time multiple currency converter, simple interest calculator & you can check your age with days, months and years
7 users
Linux Libertine Font Package
This extension allows the user to use Linux Libertine font directly for any page, without any installation.
7 users
Breeze Close Button
Toolbar button to close current window that matches KDE Breeze theme.
7 users
TW Power Tools
Get infinite scroll and other enhancements in the Google Forums and the Community Console
7 users
YouTube Dark Mode Override
This extension forces a custom dark mode on YouTube.
7 users
Outlook Web App Folder Painter
Outlook Web App folder painter and icon replacer
7 users
Adds a scrollbar to every element on the page.
7 users
Real Estate Buddy
Find your perfect home...faster! Real Estate Buddy calculates your future mortgage repayments in your browser while looking at properties for sale on ,, or .
7 users
Codeforces Theme Changer
Gives the option to change code-forces themes with an easy accessible popup menu.
7 users
Search provider for duckduckgo-style bangs without leaking queries to any search engine, and can be used straight from the address bar. Use it from the address bar by starting your query with "! ".
7 users
Better <code> blocks
Improves <code> blocks
7 users
derStandard Annoyances Remover
Blockiert Popups, entfernt ausgewählte Stimmen aus dem Forum, umgeht Deaktivierung der Sichtbarkeit von Forenpostings und verhindert automatisches Abspielen von Folgevideos (in Addon-Einstellung deaktivierbar)
7 users
This extensions will protect you from distraction by 3 different ways. 1- blocking pictures on every websites. (simply web uglifier) 2- blocking text containing unwanted keywords. 3- blocking images and block unwanted website for one week.
7 users
OLS Doc Downloader
Downloads Oracle Learning Subscription Documents
7 users
Gooey Startpage
Replace default new tab page in Firefox with Gooey Startpage.
7 users
Twitch Ads Muter
This extension mutes twitch when it plays ads. So you don't hear any ads, that annoys with loud sounds. When ad is over it unmutes again.
7 users
Ufora Dark Mode
Dark Mode for Ufora
7 users
Browser extension for service
7 users
DeviantArt Mobile Button Fixer
A small plugin to make some of the controls in Notifications on the mobile version of DeviantArt more easily accessible for people with normal-sized fingers on actual mobile devices!
7 users
Paid Content Alert
Get notified when you are about to read just a snippet of an paid article with paid content. No more surprises.
7 users
Open with Binder
Add an 'Open With Binder' icon to the toolbar to launch your current GitHub, or Gist repository on
7 users
Card Image for Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Wiki
When you visit card pages on Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Wiki (, search Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia! (!_Wikia) for card images, and show them if found. When searching, TCG card images may be prior to OCG ones.
7 users
Minecraft Wiki Adblocker
Add-on to remove the Gamepedia Pro rail from the Minecraft Wiki and the Terraria Wiki.
7 users
PST and XBA Trophy List Printer
Converts PST and XBA Trophy Lists into printer-friendly text
7 users
Achromafox is an AchromaJS-based tool to simulate different conditions of eye vision.
7 users