ColorFlick for Dribbble
Developer friendly color palette extension for Dribbble
3 users
Better SmartRH Work From Home
Allows you to differentiate work from home days from regular days off.
3 users
Internal Link Collector
A Firefox extension that collects internal links from the current page. A Firefox extension that collects internal links from the current page. Bold internal links on webpages. The "Internal Link Colle" extension is a simple Firefox add-on that allow
3 users
Wayback Wiki
Surf Wikipedia on a specific date in the past.
3 users
Upload progress
This addon show upload progress bottom of page, now works ajax, just works on forms
3 users
Computes and displays total count for downloads and prints for models on MakerWorld's profile pages.
3 users
Pause GIFs
Pause and Play Individual GIFs with Ease
3 users
Roblox Character Chooser
Opens a window with a simple ui to select from one of your roblox characters.
3 users
Colab Themes
Changes the appearance of Google Colab!
3 users
Disable Translate Popup
Disables new languages popup in google translate integration.
3 users
Dark Mode Plus - Smart Dark Mode
An easy, smart way to enable dark mode on websites.
3 users
nCore aNi
A nCore Torrent oldal kiegészítője egy hiánypótló bővítmény, amely nemcsak a keresést könnyíti meg, hanem számos további hasznos funkciót is kínál.
3 users
Изменяет фон на сайтах
3 users
YTPLR Minimal Theme
A minimal and flat theme for Youtube Playlist Randomizer (YTPLR).
3 users
Lightbox Blocker
Blocks unwanted Lightbox-Popups. This Blocker is just blocking popups that are not generally used as image viewers. There are over one million lightboxes active on Wordpress installations only that are blocked. The real number might be even higher!
3 users
Intranet Start Menu
Windows 10 Metro Tile Start-like menu for your organization's intranet. Build, share, and import a JSON-formatted config file to provide quick, easy, and searchable resources to your organization in an easy to use pop-up menu.
3 users
Steam Tweaks
Some tweaks for Steam website. It includes: Workshop button Less intrusive review creation Less intrusive nominate button Auto scroll to game
3 users
KiXVoIP Browser Calls
Converts telephone numbers into links that can be clicked to place a call using the KiXVoIP callback service.
3 users
Asana Lover
This extension aims to provide Asana with more love, bringing back the hearts that were replaced by the 'Thumbs Up' icon. Get back to spreading <3 on Asana! This extension also allows other bits of customization to the Asana system.
3 users
Allows you to change the colors used in any Web page with the colors you want.
3 users
VK Go Up+
Makes Go Up zone smaller
3 users
This add-on will apply a dark theme to the website Quora, using different shades of grey similar to Youtube's dark theme.
3 users
Limits the number of concurrently opened tabs to 8. When a new Tab is opened the least recently used/accessed tab will be closed without warning. Pinned tabs are currently not ignored from being closed
3 users
Discord Media Link Displayer
Displays links on media in discord
3 users
Shooting Stars (dynamic)
A theme that changes between a day and night set-up (dynamic and animated)
3 users