ChatGPT Text Modifier
Modifie le texte de version de 4 à 3.5 sur <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> dans les canaux.
2 users
Old Youtube
Takes you back before shorts, memberships, and playables
2 users
Cookie Hunter
Transforme ta navigation en jeu en trouvant des cookies cachés, gagnant de l'XP et débloquant des collections d'images exclusives !
2 users
Auto Close New Tab
Automatically closes the tab whenever you open a new tab.
2 users
노벨피아 추가 폰트
노벨피아에서 나눔 폰트 등 20여개의 폰트(글꼴)를 추가로 설정할 수 있도록 해주는 브라우저 익스텐션입니다.
2 users
Changes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to a dark theme.
2 users
Vivius Homepage
Basit bir şekilde tarayıcınızın anasayfası.
2 users
Mastery Lookup
Adds a link to see users Mastery Points from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
hide google meet
hides google meet from gmail page
2 users
Read selected text comfortably
2 users
NewTab Clean
A very clean New Tab page addon.
2 users
remove OCS Subtitles
Remove subtitles from OCS
2 users
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Meet poetry of world-wide famous outstanding Iranian mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in a very easy and convenient way.
2 users
DGG Injector
Swap out twitch chat with <a href="" rel="nofollow">D.GG</a> chat in any twitch channel.
2 users
Modification of the color and font size - <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. Zmiana koloru i wielkości czcionki - <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.
2 users
Данное расширение позволяет, находясь на одном из сайтов Евроопта (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> и др.) видеть для каждого товара цены с других сайтов.
2 users
A tiny (~600 sloc) userscript manager that you can self-audit and fully trust.
2 users
Youtube Mic Delete
Delete´s the mic button next to the search bar in YouTube.
2 users
Transgender Pride 3
Transgender Pride that changes itself based on system theme kind.
2 users
PS /show Big Image
Makes /show images big.
2 users
GitHub Avatars
Increases the size of user avatars in GitHub issues and adds a name next to them.
2 users
elecord extension
Collection of handy tools and tweaks for gamers across the web
2 users
Return back old design VKPlay LIVE
New design and logo of VKPlay service is kinda i wanted to return old one
2 users
BDO Time Conversion
Attempts to convert timestamps on the playblackdesert website to your local time.
2 users
RTL Facebook
تصلح بعض المشاكل في الظهور 'من اليمين إلى اليسار' في فيسبوك؛ كمربع الكتابة أثناء المحادثة، والمنشورات العربية التي تبدأ بحرف غير عربي كالإشارات والابتسالمات.
2 users