Simple extension to apply your styles and scripts on any web site.
2 users
SoundCloud Track Filter
Removes tracks from stream page with length less than some value.
2 users
Ugly Twitch
Why did Twitch suddenly get so ugly?
2 users
Quick copy'n'paste of miscellaneous characters and symbols
2 users
Adds CCS hyphens to webpages, for easier reading, specially in mobile phones.
2 users
Macron - Président des riches
Remplace "Macron" et "Emmanuel Macron" par des symboles monétaires
2 users
allegro toolbar buttons
2 users
Hifitorget prisjakt
Detta tillägg lägger till extra information från prisjakt för produkten du tittar på <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
Monster Hunter World - Event Log
Keep track of the Event Quest Schedule. Mark completed ones and hide them if you want.
2 users
Adds tons of new features to WRD!
2 users
My Font Choice
Enforces your choice of fonts as set in browser settings for Serif / San-serif etc. Preserves Icon-glyph fonts if possible.
2 users
Fast theme toggle
Fast theme toggle enable to quickly switch the website theme.
2 users
Remove YouTube homepage recommendations and related videos. Track how much time you spend on YouTube and get it displayed in a nice graph!
2 users
Kormányzati Kékítlenítő
Kormányzati oldalak szép háttérképeire pancsolt kék háttérszín eltüntetése
2 users
Gmail Ad killer
Browser extension to delete the annoying and confusing gmail ads.
2 users
Goodly Search
New Google search page design. Adds some visual effects and tools.
2 users
Order Book Visualizer
This extension adds an interactive chart which visualizes order book available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
2 users
Shows your KA on Wilma.
2 users
Cette extension permet d'améliorer l'ergonomie de sites comme ionisx.
2 users
DFe - Informações da Chave de Acesso ao selecionar. Substituindo os números(ChaveAcesso) pela descrição detalhada da informação (útil para identificação do tipo de documento) .
2 users
The Helpline
Bringing mobile functionality the The HelpLine portal.
2 users
Metro Speed Dial - Modern New Tab page
A modern and simple speed dial that lets you bring all the websites you love to the new tab page.
2 users
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
removes most user inputs, actions and other clutter from reddit so it can only be read
2 users
NYT Games Helper
Adds hints and additional board playability for the NYT game, Connections (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>).
2 users