New tab override to black-background with clock. Very simple addon.
1 user
Puentify - Edit Page Content
This extension adds an option on the context menu in order to start or stop editing the content of the page.
1 user
JS Cube
Inject your own JS into specific websites!
1 user
HUGELOL Enhancement Suite
the hugelol enhancement suite is a simple application that makes the browsing of hugelol easier by adding more features and making the notifications more accessible
1 user
Fixes Cracked styling for firefox
1 user
Converts in-page temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
1 user
Керуйте топ оголошеннями
1 user
Customizable home page/new tab using html, css and Firefox Sync.
1 user
Fast Food Filter
Lieferando-Plugin zum Filtern der Speisen nach Diät (vegan / vegetarisch), Allergenen, Zutaten und gesundheitlichen Faktoren.
1 user
amz-review prezzi
Attraverso questa estensione si possono vedere i prezzi dei prodotti senza dover effettivamente entrare nella pagina del prodotto su amz-review
1 user
Only today youtube's subscriptions
Get only your today's subscriptions in your feed
1 user
새 작품 탭
새 탭을 열면 국립현대미술관(MMCA)과 서울시립미술관(SeMA) 소장품 온라인 컬렉션 중 한 작품 설명과 링크를 랜덤으로 보여준다.
1 user
fixDiscord - Revert the Discord "rebrand". An extension made by Krel, with CSS from GooseNest. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This extension reverts the discord rebrand changes, such as colors and icons.
1 user
Discover twitter image alternative text on hover/focus
1 user
Converts all reddit pages to the old forum style of Reddit.
1 user
Ready to Reload
Adds a dedicated reload button to Firefox. Icons made by Lucy G from <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
1 user
Stupid Search
Search the web with Stupid Search
1 user
Simple Twitter
You can customize twitter and change it to simple display.
1 user
Arc Theme Close Button
Toolbar button to close current window Arc theme
1 user
WuxiaWorld Centered NoAds
WuxiaWorld with centered content and no ads. The right panel bar is below the comment section. Only changes DOM and deletes ads, nothing more.
1 user
Simple Dark Design For <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
1 user
LiveATC Add Topic Link
Adds links to the topics on the LiveATC Recordings page.
1 user
Facebook Sticker Remover
Completely hide Facebook Sticker Comments!
1 user
Ligue des fusées
Parce que Ligue des fusées est quand même mieux que Rocket League
1 user
Transform your new tabs. Be inspired with the beautiful backgrounds, inspirational quotes, weather forecasts, to-do lists and more.
1 user