Somtoday Dark Theme
A dark theme to protect your eyes on the site Somtoday.
1 user
تسک بان | TaskBan
مدیریت برنامه های روزانه
1 user
realign correctly style
1 user
tnua alphabet translit
any language in your preferred script
1 user
Bitoduc extension
Extension de navigateur pour éradiquer les anglicismes
1 user
A bookkeeping tool for the thesis topics of Kuleuven. Developed by Dirk Vanbeveren and Victor Engelen.
1 user
Provides a more humane experience for BOC online UI.
1 user
Koala Search
Improves user experience with keyboard usage on Google Search website.
1 user
Domic Helper
Облегчение использования прекрасного сайта <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
Focus Mode
Hide youtube recomandation, comments, next videos etc.
1 user
Data cifras
A Data cifra permite que você salve, edite e categorize as cifras, além de trazer várias ferramentas que ajudam a visualizar toda a cifra em quanto toca a musica.
1 user
Better MC Wiki
Edits those pesky side panels on Fandoms Minecraft Wiki.
1 user
Quality of life improvements for JIRA!
1 user
Adds publication date for adverts on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 user
RSI Reading Mode
Makes the legacy long-form posts on the RSI website more readable. Also estimates the time it would take to read the article.
1 user
Bring your favourite design tool with you across the internet! A theme based on Figma and Figjam.
1 user
Twitch Dev Dark Theme
Changes the background color of to rgb(36, 36, 36) and color white.
1 user
DeviceView Inspector
A tool that facilitates the inspection of website displays on different mobile devices, allowing for precise testing and optimization.
1 user
Helps you remember things.
1 user
Makes the text size on the page normal
1 user
Recipe Filter shows recipes found anywhere on the web in a handy popup.
1 user
ProtonMail: No Default Sender
Makes it so that there is no default sender for ProtonMail. You will have to choose what email address you send from every time.
1 user
Passport - beautiful new tab page
A window to anywhere in the world, just a tab away. Get inspired with the best images from Unsplash, quotes from innovative thinkers, and practice mindful productivity by completing your Daily Intention.
1 user
Glexa Fullscreen Button
1 user
Wbijam przycisk "następny"
A "next -->" link will be added to every <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> "player" subpage. This way, instead of clicking "back" and "NEXT -->", you can use one button.
1 user