Dark Theme for Facebook™
A schedulable and customizable dark theme for facebook.com and messenger.com
686 users
Tap Translate
Add a translate button on the page. Github: https://github.com/miraks/Tap-Translate
686 users
Saves URLs of open tabs into a text file.
685 users
Sakuga Extended
Enjoy a better experience with SAKUGABOORU! Previews on posts, frame control on videos...
682 users
Call a Number via Fritz!Box
Markieren Sie eine Telefonnummer auf einer Webseite oder in einer Email und Rufen diese über das Contextmenü direkt über die Fritz!Box an. Benötigt eine Fritz Box mit Firmware 5.5+ und aktivierte Wählhilfe.
682 users
Modifies the stylesheet for OpenAI Chat to make wider the space of answers (makes it more comfortable to read code there)
679 users
Image Reader (OCR)
Easily get words out of an image with OCR engine!
676 users
Easy Image Blocker
Easy Image Blocker is the Add-on to control the loading of the image. Images can be load from the context menu individually. You can specify the mode to load the image for each URL in the white list.
675 users
PowerPoint PPT editor
Create and edit PowerPoint PPT slides
673 users
Internet Speed Tester
Speed Test Most Accurate Online Broadband Internet Speed Test
671 users
Wikipedia Dark Mode
Dark mode for Wikipedia
671 users
Tenhou English UI
Change the UI text on the Tenhou HTML5 Web Client from Japanese to English
665 users
Bookmarks Commander
A two-panel bookmarks manager which is similar to the well-known Total Commander.
664 users
IBM Salesforce Extras
This extension adds some extra features to Salesforce Console for use by Support teams at IBM.
661 users
Night assistant
Set the background color of the webpage to protect your eyes and create a beautiful and comfortable internet environment.
660 users
Simple To-Do list with a minimalist look and feel. Add, edit and delete your tasks with a single mouse click.
657 users
Sauron - Dark mode for all websites
Beautiful dark mode for all websites. Protect your eyes when you surf in dark enviroments.
657 users
[Dark Theme] - Native Dark
Native Dark allows for customization to match your system accent colors. Read the README file for advanced instructions. https://github.com/spikespaz/firefox-nativedark/blob/legacy/README.md
651 users
QCLean:Remove Facebook Ads,Suggested Pages&Posts
Remove Ads, Suggested Pages and Posts on News feed of Facebook.
650 users
Font Inspector (WebExtension)
Click on any element to get the font info in a page popup
647 users
Google Images Restored backup
Restores Google Images to how it appeared before August 6, 2019
647 users
This mirror flips your online activity!
647 users
Integrated Inbox for Gmail and Google Apps
Tired of having multiple tabs open just to view your favorite Google services and other Apps like Feedly, Evernote, Twitter and more? Now you can see them right from your Gmail Inbox. Install now or visit www.integratedinbox.com for more info.
647 users
Tab Split Merger
Split tabs into separate windows and easily merge them back together into one.
645 users
Remote tool bidbag auction bid sniper for eBay
Add-on for legal last second bidding of eBay auctions. bidbag users save at least 30% of the purchase over regular bidders when shopping in eBay. Create your account now under https://www.bidbag.us for USA or https://www.bidbag.co.uk for UK...
643 users