Pull to refresh for browsers
Pull down gesture to reload the current webpage, works on desktop. This extension is a remake from the chrome version. ! if the extension is not working at first, refresh the page and try again !
1 user
El Patrón
Replaces the words 'Delete' and 'Remove' with 'Dar Plomo'.
1 user
LessonWriter Lessonizer
Create comprehensive lesson plans with literacy support and student materials from any web page in minutes.
1 user
A dynamic theme that continuously cycles through colors.
1 user
TNP Icon Download
Download selected icon from The Noun Project
1 user
Native Messaging by DI team
Send a message to a native application.
1 user
This app allow user (using the TakeItAway android app) to shift the currently displayed page to their smartphone and back
1 user
Curse Highlight
Highlights curse words on lyrics websites.
1 user
selection links - see <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d8a6de322e6e87998da480f1ffceda67050dbab022ff3b4844b15f4b04b9568a/http%3A//slink.to">http://slink.to</a> Send anyone a link to a highlighted section of a webpage. Just select the content you want to highlight and click slink!
1 user
SwissBad Extension
Cette extension permet d'améliorer l'affichage des données de swiss-badminton. Elle récupère des informations disponibles publiquement sur les pages de profils des joueurs pour les afficher dans les récapitulatifs d'équipes.
1 user
Shows a green or red icon in the address bar depending on whether or not the current URL matches the set scope.
1 user
Makes Trump references more palatable by replacing them with 'King Cheeto' (forked from <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b5f2b2cc8b79d1fe7214853610b1ce47fb3025776637d714daacd1b8575bca94/https%3A//github.com/nishanthvijayan/Drumpfinator%29">https://github.com/nishanthvijayan/Drumpfinator)</a>
1 user
Allows the user to make short notes.
1 user
Mel to :mel:
Replaces instances of "mel" with a weary-faced bread icon. Note: this modifies web pages to do so.
1 user
Dodatek do Firefoxa/Chrome dodający funkcje do iDziennika.
1 user
AAU Moodle Selector
This extension makes it possible to hide/show calmoodle entries
1 user
Lookup tough words as you read
1 user
Smileshopping Shopping-Assistant
The Smileshopping-Assistant removes the necessity to visit <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1af72dc66b0c101e536d3379e30db61b747ace916894b5ffaa45604c249970cb/http%3A//smileshopping.de">smileshopping.de</a> to find supported shops! That means, as soon as you visit a supported online shop you will be notified about the ability to donate. It will always be free for you guaranteed!
1 user
Changes Zendesk's disabled text boxes to have black font. So you can read them.
1 user
YBW hide threads
Hides specific threads on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ac9b181009939247ff560a8e3ed687ff2e06ac8b8d0493c0249a7246c171aec3/http%3A//YBW.com" rel="nofollow">YBW.com</a> forum
1 user
18/25 JVC Topics importants
Un serveur central regarde les topics qui ont beaucoup de connectés, et il vous avertit ! Vous pouvez par ailleurs regarder après coup les topics qui ont intéressé l'élite :) Les notifications sont discrètes et élégantes, adaptées donc à l'élite
1 user
Pivotal Improvements
This add-on adds highlighting to stories that belong to you on Pivotal Tracker. Will soon contain more improvements!
1 user
With this extension you can quickly bookmark currently browsed pages to Bookmark.house (https://bookmark.house). この拡張機能を使用すると、現在閲覧中のページを Bookmark.house (https://bookmark.house) に素早くブックマークできます。
1 user
Unicorn New Tab
Replace the new tab page with a random unicorn or rainbow
1 user
JAC - JIRA Acceptance Criteria Width Changer
Displays acceptance criteria of your JIRA issue with proper width.
1 user