VK Plus-markör
Markerar VK:s Plus-artiklar med bakgrundsfärg och ikon.
0 users
한국 스타벅스 와이파이 자동약관 동의 입니다
스타벅스 와이파이 이용약관에 자동동의 후 기존 페이지로 이동합니다.
0 users
A modern homepage for your browser.
0 users
Set a sleep interval where you are blocked from all sites during the interval. Great for ending mindless scrolling!
0 users
Digg: And It Kind Of Slaps
Adds 'and it kind of slaps' to all Digg headlines.
0 users
Buyincoins.com button
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3442534d04f07df01f7ddfd23ff1f11a889d6075c101c4cfc0580124cf73cc0b/http%3A//Banggood.com">Banggood.com</a> button
0 users
Change images to Tokyo Ghoul Touka Kirishima
0 users
Manage Bookmarks, Search, Background
Hier hast Du alles im Blick - Surfen mit nur einem Klick. Mach Deine Startseite jetzt schöner. Manage Deine Lesezeichen, wähle eine Suchmaschine und lade ein eigenes Hintergrundbild hoch.
0 users
Skybound Reverie
A breathtaking vista of vibrant skies.
0 users
Converte o select da pesquisa de preços do site boadica, para um datalist.
0 users
Starty replaces your boring old start page with a fresh new one.
0 users
Monochrome Home for Merveilles
Makes all avatars on the timeline feeds of merveilles.town monochrome, just like the local feed.
0 users
Smart Tab Sorter
Automatically sort and organise browser tabs with customisable priority rules Description: Keep your browser tidy with Smart Tab Sorter.
0 users
Tube Layout Customizer
Take control of your YouTube layout with Tube Layout Customizer. This extension empowers you to choose your own layout and customize other aspects of the YouTube interface to your liking.
0 users
Thematic is a free, open source web style changer 🎨🎭, it lets you specify color palettes to be used across the web
0 users
inthe.am integration
Create <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/18b6c8800e22f8ad8080fbec0f10bfc550270070c6346b39da31e175bdd28b37/http%3A//inthe.am">inthe.am</a> tasks directly from your browser
0 users
Simplified <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/295dd9bb16d63454c9392f0aac35d4deae10f996eafc1dc458e3824427c333f4/http%3A//pixiv.net" rel="nofollow">pixiv.net</a>
0 users
Seeing Sprouts
Browser extension that replaces every image with brussel sprouts (and other vegetables).
0 users
Extension de PHILLIIIIIPE. Hommage au plus grand film de tous les temps, le bien nommé Hitman le Cobra. Vous permet de revivre la scène la plus épique du film à chacun de vos clics.
0 users
Google Search Results Shortcuts
Adds shortcuts to the Google Search results.
0 users
Cайт <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/242681734cb32cdadd6f7f0df7dcec2366485085e9b9d7d9935867e668bbcd2a/http%3A//sovetromantica.com" rel="nofollow">sovetromantica.com</a> без рекламы
0 users
Blocks requests to any webiste that are in user-defined list.
0 users
Midwit meme
Shows a new midwit meme every time you open a new blank tab
0 users
Feed cleaner
Removes feed recommendations from X, pikabu, and linkedin
0 users
[Private]German RuneScape forums - Archive Closer
Minimiert Archiv-Kategorien für bestimmte Moderatoren-Gruppen im deutschen offiziellen RuneScape Forum bei jedem Aufruf automatisch. THIS ADD-ON IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH JAGEX LTD IN ANY WAY.
0 users