NameMC Extras (Beta)
A extension which adds extra features to NameMC!
106 users
Image Vectorizer (Convert to SVG)
Easily vectorize an image (convert to SVG) in your browser!
106 users
Jisho Kioku
Remembers kanji looked up in and adds other neat features to the online Japanese dictionary.
106 users
Geometry Square
Imagine that you are square and jump over obstacles.
105 users
20-20-20 Rule
Prevent eye strain with the 20-20-20 Rule reminder.
105 users
Dropbox View
Dropbox View allows you to see the full file/folder name display on dropbox website in browser.
105 users
Shows a popup with an image preview when hovering over link that points to an image file or a page with an image.
105 users
Hide Verified Tweets & Twitter Blue Subscription
A simple extension that hides twitter replies/tweets from twitter blue subscribers, with options to block/unblock gold subscribers as well as a whitelist option. Separate the usernames with commas.
105 users
Minimal YouTube Homepage
A minimalistic, Google like alternative to YouTube's homepage
105 users
Saka - elegent tab search, selection, and beyond
105 users
Hack This Website
This extension makes any webpage editable!
105 users
Hostname in title
Puts the hostname of the tab in the title.
105 users
AWS Favicon Update
IAM shouldn't be the only tab with a unique favicon! This sets favicons for many AWS services, so your tabs make more sense.
105 users
9gag post filter
A post filter for
105 users
Pluralsight Transcript
Add a Page Action to every Pluralsight video player. Clicking the Page Action will create a new popup window with a transcript (if available) along with live highlighting and automatic scrolling in time with the video playback.
105 users
Copy browser tabs to (or create them from) your clipboard.
105 users
File Uploader in ChatGPT
The provided code creates a dynamic file submission feature with a progress tracker. It allows users to select files, split them into chunks, and visualize the upload progress. It also integrates with ChatGPT for interactive conversations, enhancing
105 users
Widescreen Browsing
Limit the width of webpages for a better widescreen experience
104 users
My Jupyter Notebook
Customization of Jupyter Notebooks
104 users
Easy Youtube Unsubscribe
Makes it easier to unsubscribe from channels on Youtube.
104 users
DictZone angol magyar szótár
1. Jelöld ki a nem ismert szót az oldalon. 2. Kattints a jobb egérgombbal a kijelölt szón (helyérzékeny menü előhozása). 3. Kattints a bal egérgombbal a "Keresés a DictZone Angol-Magyar szótárban: ..." keresésednek megfelelő menüpontján.
104 users
Minus for Unsplash · Remove Unsplash+
Minus for Unsplash is a simple addon that lets you hide the Unsplash+ content from Unsplash.
104 users
Scroll to the bottom
Automatic scroll to the bottom of any website
104 users
This extension will find and remove js miners
104 users
Real time user feedback, collaboration and screen capture tool.
103 users