No YouTube Shorts
Redirects you to the regular video (/watch?v=...) when you open a youtube short (/shorts/...)
71 users
Go With Phone
This extension creates a qrcode for the current url.
71 users
Pulltab Fullscreen - hide taskbar
this addon will give you a pulltab on the right side of your screen, it will put any website into fullscreen aka hide the address-bar. save space on your mobile device and make the user experience of most websites more similar to standalone apps!
71 users
New Material Design for Telegram Web, dark and light theme
71 users
Pop-Up Dictionary
Pop-Up Dictionary on selected word. You can use dictionary sites which provide better and more detailed definitions than e.g. google translate.
71 users
Extension to retheme, repair, and expand functions for Insanejournal, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Tessisamess!
71 users
LeetCode Themes
Customize LeetCode editor with various themes.
71 users
الاضافة تساعدك على وضع ملاحظاتك تلقائيا مطورة من قبل : بوشارب خالد
71 users
Full Width Zerodha Kite
This app will give Zerodha kite trading platform a full width look. Extension is ported from a similar Chrome extension developed by Mr. Sanam Patel( Big thanks to the original author!
71 users
Scroll pages in VIM style, using j and k shortcuts.
71 users
Card Clip
Adds a clipboard feature to Scryfall
70 users
Amazon Fake Reviews Hider
Filters out biased, paid and VINE reviews which clog up Amazon. Enjoy a proper shopping experience.
70 users
Explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos
70 users
ChatWork チャット入力支援ツール
チャットワークのチャット入力欄に便利な機能を追加するためのGoogle Chrome拡張です。 機能: 以下の機能をチャット入力欄に追加します。 - [code], [info], [hr]を簡単に入力できるショートカットボタン - 「[To:0000]Aさん [To:0001]Bさん」を短縮表示する このChrome 拡張は株式会社tech veinにより作成されたChatWork社の非公式ツールです。 問い合わせ先:
70 users
Google RU Поиск
Поиск на сайте
70 users
FACIL'iti Companion
Easily identify sites equipped with FACIL’iti. It’s free and anonymous!
70 users
Content Edit & Blur
Easily edit or blur elements on any webpage
69 users
Automatic Dark Theme For Youtube™
Automatically switch Youtube™ to its built-in dark theme.
69 users
Markdown to JIRA
A right click menu entry to automatically convert Markdown syntax in JIRA's Markup (and the other way around).
69 users
Jira dark mode
This extension provided an altered light mode and additional dark mode to atlassians jira. It benefits the user experience by providing a more user-friendly design and toggleable light/dark modes.
69 users
Makes tabs addressable by ctrl+[1-9] keystrokes Source:
69 users
File this for me
File this content for me, so save it, mail it or dig it in my own way.
69 users
Darkify WhatsApp Web
Change WhatsApp web to dark theme by adding 'dark' class to body element
69 users
Dark Moodle
Dark theme for UBS Moodle
68 users
AntiCaptcha automatic captcha solver ver4
This plugin allows you to automatically solve CAPTCHAs found on any webpage.
68 users