Smart bookmarks! They follow along when you read.
9 users Hot Sales Button
Quick button to hot sales page. Convenient Aliexpress Firefox addon.
9 users
Go to the GitHub URL you are thinking of
9 users
Reader Customization
Provides users with options to adjust brightness, contrast, sepia filter, and other visual settings to personalize their dark mode experience.
8 users
Qotter Copy & Show
Shows quotations from webpages. Converts a text selection into a link (RMB or CTRL+ALT+C). Puts it into the clipboard so it may be pasted e.g. into an email. Uses these links to open the according pages and highlight the selected contents.
8 users
Trade CFDs on Shares, Indices, Forex and Cryptocurrencies
8 users
Start the web with
8 users
Tlačítko Tomikup
Tomikup tlačítko se zobrazí při návštěvě libovolného e-shopu. Přidejte produkt do svého wishlistu pouhými dvěma kliky. Anebo si takto uložte nápad na dárek pro přítele. Až přijdou Vánoce či narozeniny, víte přesně co koupit. Konec zbytečných dárků!
8 users
Betaserie Menu
Add button for open betaserie in menubar (and not bookmark)
8 users
Archive Tabs
Bookmark and close all tabs in current window
8 users
Save to Trove
A privacy-focused bookmark manager to save webpages, texts, images, videos, pdfs & more.
8 users
SuperTabs allows you to list and search current open tabs and switch to them quickly, thanks
8 users
Scan the current webpage for exposed API keys and display them here.
8 users
Switch the contents of the bookmarks toolbar with a folder in the bookmarks menu, so you can easily switch between two bookmark toolbars.
8 users
Group Tab
The new generation tab manager. Manage your tabs just like bookmarks. Archive or close a bunch of tabs in one click just like beast!
8 users
Linkinize - Bookmark Manager for Teams
With Linkinize browser extension, you can easily share bookmarks with your team, making it faster and more efficient to find the links you need, exactly when you need them.
8 users
QR Coder by chall3ng3r
Quickly get QR Code for currently open page. Project sources published at
8 users
Google Apps Account Switcher
Save time and bandwidth by directly opening google applications under a specific google account.
8 users
With Plinky’s browser extension you can save articles, videos, social media posts to Plinky, and more with just one tap. From there your links will seamlessly sync to your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
8 users
Secret Bookmarks
Password protected bookmarks
8 users
Sako plugin
This wallabag/v2-compatible extension has the ability to edit title and tags and set starred, archived, or delete states. It is primarily aimed at sako, a Go-based rewrite of Wallabag.
8 users
The official ymarks browser extension. ymarks is a free and open-source service for a self-hosted cross-browser bookmarks synchronisation. You will need a running and accessible ymarks server component in order for this software to work.
8 users
Refresh Your Bookmarks
Update your bookmarks when pages have been moved or deleted. A notification will appear suggesting updating or removing your bookmarks. Click on the notification to accept the suggested update.
8 users
Elegant bookmark organiser for people with too many bookmarks.
8 users
Count Bookmarks In Folders
Adds a bookmark folder menu item that displays the amount of bookmarks in a folder.
8 users