Comic Sans Everywhere
Firefox addon that changes the font of every piece of text into Comic Sans MS. Can be toggled through a toolbar button. For more information and source see the github page.
252 users
Anti TwitterSpam
Twitterのスパムにさようならして快適なツイ廃ライフを! Twitterのスパムを非表示にする拡張機能です! Say goodbye to Twitter spam and enjoy a comfortable Twitter life! This is a browser extension that hides Twitter spam!
252 users
Word Counter
Word Counter allows you to count the number of selected words and characters in a single click.
249 users
Checks the cached version of the site on
249 users
Telegram as a Sidebar
Telegram Instant Messenger as a sidebar. Based on original work from:
247 users
Radio Player
Listen to more than 20K free radio stations around the world!
247 users
Logseq Quick Capture
This extension does a quick capture of the web-page that you are currently at and sends its URL and title to your open Logseq graph. If you select any element on the web-page, it will be sent as well.
240 users
Doing auto-scroll-down on a page
238 users
FB Page Unlocker
Access and Unlock all Facebook Pages as a Guest, and without having to Login. Incl. Bypassing the Annoying Login Box!
237 users
Frame By Frame
Best Frame By Frame Tool. Works with all websites! Move your mouse cursor over video and use keyboard arrows to switch frames.
237 users
Mark my Word - Web Highlighter
Highlight text on any website on desktop and mobile with the Mark my Word browser extension for Firefox. Export the highlights to your favorite note-taking tool and keep what is important to you.
235 users
World Clock
Display multiple world clocks in toolbar popup.
234 users
Week Ly - Week number
This app shows you the current Week! -Tool tip shows current week -Click to show a random quote.
234 users
Антикремлебот — Подсветка ботов
Расширение, подсвечивающее аккаунты кремлеботов ВКонтакте и на YouTube. Создано при поддержке проекта Гражданское Общество
234 users
Camera App
A camera app that allows you to take photos and selfies, record videos and GIF animations from a webcam.
231 users
Allows you to quickly navigate to or copy the canonical version of the URL you're on, if available.
231 users
Toolbar Weather
This extension shows in your toolbar the current weather and the degree in Celsius, when you click is possible to see more details about the weather in your city. In addition to being able to view the forecast for the next 24 and 48 hours.
229 users
選択したテキストの文字数を数えることができるFirefox アドオンです。 記事の文字数の確認や校正などにご活用ください。
229 users
Extremely lightweight unofficial addon for pinning things to Pinterest. It's not injecting any javascript to the pages you browse and activates only when you press extension button on the panel.
226 users
Enter any URL to preserve it forever.
225 users
App for IW
An easy-to-use and lite App for Instagram
224 users
Affilitizer highlights advertisers with affiliate programs within Google Search result pages and in the address bar.
224 users
Save to Scholaread
Scholaread transforms PDF research papers, including ones with diagrams, formulas and tables, into a seamless, eye-friendly reading experience on your mobile, tablet and PC. Experience for smooth zooming, clickable citations, resizable text.
224 users
Kill It
Kill Ads and Slide-Ins
221 users
Make some highlights | Take some notes
221 users