Post text clippings to rambler as you encounter them.
31 users
Aplikacja do zgłaszania wątpliwych treści publikowanych w internecie dotyczących wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Wersja BETA.
30 users
An official extention for Feedeen.
30 users
Page to Popup
See your desired website (mobile view) in the toolbar Panel
30 users
STLToday Paywall Buster
Break down that paywall until they make a good one. Ported from Chrome (Originally by Mike Flynn).
30 users
Flash Insights
Introducing Flash Insights, a free browser extension that empowers you to seamlessly extract valuable insights from any web page or video in seconds, using AI chatbots with web access. Flash Insights crafts a prompt that you can easily paste into you
30 users
Crypto Tab
Replace the New Tab page with Bitcoin price chart.
30 users
Article Unlocker
Unlocks articles on theinitium.com
30 users
Echobot CONNECT - 1 Mio. Firmenprofile aus D-A-CH
Finden Sie Ansprechpartner, deren Kontaktdaten, aktuelle News, sowie relevante Fachinformationen und Finanzkennzahlen zu über 1 Million Unternehmen aus dem D-A-CH Raum. Einfach auf die Webseite Ihres Kunden gehen, und den Plugin-Button anklicken.
30 users
A add-on to convert html to excel file
30 users
Névnap (BanditaSoft)
A kiegészítő ikonjára kattintva kiírja, hogy az aktuális napon milyen névnap van, és az azt követő 2 napon milyen névnapok lesznek. Ha Ön az adott napon még nem kattintott rá, azt egy kék ellipszissel jelzi az ikonján.
30 users
Automatically transform pasted URLs into links.
30 users
포털(네이버, 다음)에서 불량뉴스를 알려주는 extension -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 Firefox는 이 addon 을 설치하면 동작. -PC(윈도우, 맥, 리눅스)의 구글 크롬, MS Edge, 네이버 웨일에서 chrome extension 설치 가능 -안드로이드의 kiwi browser에서 chrome extension 설치하여 동작 -애플 ios에서는 ios15 출시 후 safari browser에서 동작 예정
30 users
Unbiased for Reddit
Hide votes and awards on reddit.com
30 users
Notepad Web
A notepad like tool to store text shared between tabs
30 users
CopyChatGPT - Sidebar Hider
Hide sidebar & copy ChatGPT answers. Clean, fast browsing.
29 users
Text to Speech
Select text you want to "read it out" and click on browser toolbar icon. You can also get the functionality work by right clicking on selected text and fallow to menu item "Text to Speech" and select the language of choice.
29 users
boom! – Declutter pages, improve readability
Declutter webpages and improve readability with boom! This add-on lets you declutter busy pages and make them readable again. It also lets you knock down annoying paywalls, so you can use sites without signing up or logging in. Point, click, boom!
29 users
Trady Lens
Stocks and crypto charts along with options flow Information right at your tooltip.
29 users
Create an eBook from any web page instantly and beautifully.
29 users
This extension allows user to record public data from their Facebook NewsFeed and, after explicit consent, share them for research purposes with specific institutions for resea to support investigation of personalization algorithms.
29 users
Words Counter
Count number of Characters/Letters/Words with one-click. Right-click context menu to count Words/Letters/Characters of selected text.
29 users
Remove paywall from newsletters
29 users
OnlyWire | Social Media Management Platform
Post to all your social networks at once.
29 users
Goita què fan ara
Extensió que indica el títols en català de Netflix i Prime Video.
29 users