Power-up your Polytoria experience with Poly+! Poly+ provides several quality-of-life features and improvements for Polytoria.com
5 users
Canadian Weather
This extension displays Canada weather and alerts from Environment Canada
4 users
Page Reading Time Estimator
Simple add-on to display the reading time for any given page.
4 users
Old Reddit Redirector
This add-on simply redirects Reddit pages that you visit to old.reddit.com where applicable (old Reddit UI)
4 users
Save webpages with audio in PodQueue, listen later in your favorite podcast client
4 users
Это бот?
Простое расширение, которое позволяет быстро увидеть, бот ли пользователь в комментариях на vc.ru, tjournal.ru и dtf.ru.
4 users
Coolify - LinkedIn & Twitter Collections
Coolify lets you create collections for various use case and lets you save post directly from LinkedIn & Twitter to it.
4 users
See It All
See all of what the NZHerald sent your browser
4 users
Medium Fixer
Fixes Medium's annoying popups and makes it free.
4 users
Tired of lame motivational posts on LinkedIn? Sick of seeing all those amazing places your friends go on Facebook? memefy takes all those boring images from the internet and replaces them with the dankest memes! Memefy your life today!
4 users
Stop Russian Propaganda
Warns about twitter accounts that distribute Russian propaganda
4 users
HN Collapse
Makes hacker news comments collapsible.
4 users
Reddit Hide Viewed Posts
Hide viewed reddit posts
4 users
Wikipedia Sidebar
Displays Wikipedia (DE) in a sidebar
4 users
Minimalistic markdown notepad. Boost your efficiency with quick note-taking app.
4 users
Times Link Converter
Automatically converts The Times links (excluding the homepage) to smry.ai links.
4 users
VK Messages Label Return
Расширение для Google Chrome, которое возвращает надпись «Сообщения» вместо «Мессенджер» и надпись «Группы» вместо «Сообщества» в боковом меню vk.com
4 users
Copy Flickr link to clipboard.
4 users
Complete any URL with the text of your choice to create a new one that will be opened in a separate tab.
4 users
A browser extension that autocompletes Google's search operators
4 users
4 users
HelloAIbox: Your AI-powered content creation studio. Effortlessly generate text, audio, images, and more with advanced AI technology.
4 users
LinkedIn Feed Locker
Hides LinkedIn feed until the unlock button is pressed.
4 users
WASD Scroller
Scroll pages using W, A, S, D keys.
4 users
Расширение для безопасной авторизации пользователей playinnowbot в Telegram
4 users