Convertisseur Macron France / Start-up nation
Cette extension anticipe le changement disruptif du nom de la France, remplacée par la Start-up nation sur toutes les publications digitales que les gens consultent, après l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron au conseil d'administration du pays.
3 users
Mastodon Now
「Mastodon で僕の見ている世界を共有しようかな❓❕」 Mastodon Now は閲覧中のウェブサイトを Mastodon へ共有するだけの拡張機能です
3 users
With this extension you will know if a news article has been edited and you will be able to see the changes. Currently it supports about 30 news website in 11 languages, for more info visit:
3 users
Memes from Reddit directly in your browser
3 users
Automatically redirect news articles to their publisher's lite version if available. This is useful if you are on a low-bandwidth connection or just want your news to load faster! This works for: -CNN -NPR -Daily Mail -CS Monitor -CBC
3 users
Debit instantané et global
Mesure du débit instantané et global de votre surf sur le web. Pour garder une vue sur la consommation et pour se raisonner pour la planète. Cette extension est parfaite et remplira sa tache.
3 users
Remove Bing Clutter
Removes AI and other clutter from Bing Search.
3 users
Reddit Comment Navigator
Easily navigate between top level comments on a Reddit post
3 users
Tools for iNaturalist
Tools for iNaturalist. This first version allows to apply a GPX file in batch edit mode to update the locations of observations according to their timestamp.
3 users
Fix - TVB News 無綫新聞
Firefox Fix for TVB News
3 users
Opt Out
Our browser extension, that hides misogyny from your Twitter feed.
3 users
Tired of being distracted by facebook's news feed? This add-on will redirect you directly to Messages when you hit
3 users
Quotes Database Search
Think of any quote and search for the full quote in 1-Click. Click to view the quote, and click to copy the quote to your clipboard. KnowYourQuotes - The fastest, largest database online. Addon uses 3rd party site (
3 users
Replaces every Bolsonaro with another nickname
3 users
SvD Free
Unlimited number of free articles on
3 users
Nosurf youtube
A simple extension that removes any videos recommended by youtube's algorithm. It's goal is to stagger absent mindedly stumbling over from one video to the other.
3 users
PDF Inline Display Plus
Automatically display PDFs in the browser tab.
3 users
Steam Store RSS links
Adds RSS meta and links to Steam store pages for game news/updates.
3 users
Meet your personal assistant that summarizes content from 200+ popular sources, saving ~80% of the time required to consume it.
3 users
Gitlab merge requests utils
Adds GItlab merge requests utilities that make life easier and project cleaner
3 users
RSS Grab
Find RSS feeds quickly.
3 users
Makes Facebook better by making it less - Make the Facebook UI better by removing things that I consider extraneous - Making the layout more user-friendly - Discourages users from spending time on Facebook
3 users
Convertisseur texte/HTML
Cette extension ajoute automatiquement le gras aux intertitres, questions d’interviews et encadrés chiffrés.
3 users
Make Your YouTube Video Post Thumbnail Look BIG And AWESOME On Facebook
3 users
Rewrites all URLs in the address bar written in the form "r/foo" and redirects the user to the appropriate subreddit.
3 users