Emoji Keyboard XXL
Emoji Keyboard XXL is a free extension of the web tool <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d9dd6400ed5f4a9fbcd2b6a5159aed84c0c084049f7c297c2dbfbdfb33a12186/https%3A//www.emojipudding.com">https://www.emojipudding.com</a>. You can find all current emojis with their meaning and copy them easily into a input field.
40 users
Mizkif Updates
Receive updates letting you know when Mizkif goes live or changes games.
40 users
Picarto Link Warning Redirect
Skip the warning page from <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/97aba6d80d1a7d355574651b2e3c9a68ce328a374b121e7c196cbe252d1807ec/http%3A//picarto.tv" rel="nofollow">picarto.tv</a> when clicking links in chat.
40 users
Open with IINA
"Open with IINA" enables you to open audio and video content from the web with IINA, the fastest-growing open-source media player for macOS.
40 users
Reklamsız İzle
Dizi ve film sitelerindeki reklamları kaldırır
40 users
You(Tube) don't stop!
Prevents annoying "video paused" dialogs from showing up
40 users
Netflix Helper
This Netflix extension control volume with the mouse wheel, and auto skip intro.
39 users
WCL DK Analyzer for Cataclysm Classic
Tool to analyze WCL logs for WoW Cataclysm Classic Frost and Unholy DKs
39 users
No YT Shorts
Removes YouTube Shorts from YouTube.
39 users
Search through the game servers for a player!
39 users
Falling Metal Pipe
A metal pipe falls every time you open a tab
39 users
2048 Prime
An easy-to-use and lite 2048 Game
39 users
Подставляет две буквы 'ss' к '<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/50dac14284164abfa93e9fad0b5093466a2ac68dd51d55b6261adaf123fd6b6e/http%3A//kinopoisk.ru" rel="nofollow">kinopoisk.ru</a>' для быстрого перехода на страницу с фильмом
39 users
Pixiv Random Jump Remastered
Let's you open a random post from your bookmarks.
39 users
The BetterCacher Firefox extension adds a new element on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/463fae520be212271003f6b49cf1112c055b726d0611b2b2fabc20ed70e8ec02/http%3A//geocaching.com" rel="nofollow">geocaching.com</a> showing whether the geocache is listed on BetterCacher or not. The extension makes it easier to see if a geocache is special.
39 users
Soundpiot - SoundCloud player
Adds a simple player to toolbar. You can use play, pause, next, previous and like commands, without been on a Soundcloud Tab
38 users
Frosthaven Card Viewer
Adds card images when it finds card names from the Frosthaven game.
38 users
Page Dark
Hides the page content - except videos, games and other media - with a simple black overlay. No fancy extras, just lightweight, perfect darkness!
38 users
Kick Stream Embed for DGG
Embed Destiny's Kick streams on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f6c1faf4e6aa9705f66524a2606673fa524633abcb01fb51de1c2ed15e89cefc/http%3A//destiny.gg/bigscreen" rel="nofollow">destiny.gg/bigscreen</a>
38 users
Axie Damage Calculator
This extension helps to calculate the damage done by an Axie
38 users
Play Шикимори Online
Расширение позволяет смотреть аниме онлайн и синхронизировать его с вашим списком на Шикимори (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/6071e0869cf3726d3410ecfedd6c76e3dcf146c27d76b2c50951b3d1b8c1c9d9/http%3A//shikimori.org" rel="nofollow">shikimori.org</a> и <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/39091c09d90d1d10207c9e01bea5b09f7409a8a535a6ec5038fc59631d09e750/http%3A//shikimori.one/" rel="nofollow">shikimori.one</a>)
38 users
Youtube Video Looper
Loop a video on the Youtube Website. Adds a button and and a field for the loop count when playing a video on the Youtube Website.
38 users
Fast access to your <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3901b3fccf52d26268c0a4cf4331b423a43a88f9d27d510c96095d599a8fd353/http%3A//Seedboxes.cc" rel="nofollow">Seedboxes.cc</a> account
38 users
PacMan Game Online
Good old Pacman game online to eat away all the ghost-monsters and never be caught. The game is super easy to play & for all ages.
38 users