Minecraft Wiki Redirector
A simple extension to redirect traffic from minecraft.fandom.com to the maintained minecraft.wiki.
17 users
Mentioned Videos for Reddit
Enhance your Reddit browsing experience. Explore related videos on any thread.
17 users
A simple tool to create and read zip files directly in the browser
17 users
I Love Sudoku
Free, Open Source And Clean Sudoku Game.
17 users
Codenames Assistant
Codenames Assistant adds new functionality the online codenames card game, such as a notes sidebar and "Define" button.
17 users
17 users
Extension to add Furigana to Duolingo's Kanji. This addon is to make the kanji and hiragana on Duolingo easier to read to promote learning.
17 users
Spotfy Links In Spotify App
Add-on to automatically open Spotify 'open' and 'play' links in Spotify app.
17 users
Memory match game
Memory match game for firefox
17 users
Chess.com Anonymous Mode
Hide players' usernames, icons, and ratings on Chess.com while in a game.
17 users
Fangraphs Search
Search for players on Fangraphs quickly and easily. Auto-completes player names and takes you straight to player pages on Fangraphs.
17 users
MTG Card Searcher
A quick 'n easy way to search for Magic The Gathering cards. Adds a magiccards.info directed search to the context menu (right click). With this, you can mark text with your mouse, right click on the text and search for the card.
17 users
Fortnite Stats
View the stats of any player of fortnite battle royale.
16 users
Crunchyroll Reddit Button
Adds a button to crunchyroll video pages that lets you easily search for the episode on r/anime.
16 users
Roblox Quick Access
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to access roblox website.
16 users
Adds keyboard shortcuts to Homestuck.com
16 users
View letterboxd ratings for your movies on plex.
16 users
Flappy Bird Basic Fun
Flappy Bird Basic Fun is a simple but fully functional game utility with many attractive difficulty levels
16 users
Displays the most popular cheers, jeers, and emotes used by the stream viewers on Twitch.
16 users
Streamlink Handoff
Pass video URLs to Streamlink for playback
16 users
Ishtar MultiTool
Browse the Ishtar Collective website in your favorite language, and easily search for any content in the entire Destiny lore archive.
16 users
Vulguard: Video Profanity Filter
Vulguard is a profanity filter for internet videos. Supports: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, PeacockTV, and YouTube
16 users
Tinker for Twitch
Control visual elements of Twitch.tv Give yourself more control over what is displayed on Twitch. Tinker allows you to toggle visual elements of Twitch so you can get rid of distracting or unwanted elements.
16 users
Wilderness Flash Events Notifier
Stay on top of RuneScape's special Wilderness flash events with this Firefox add-on. Get event details, countdown timers, and notifications for upcoming events!
16 users
Mute Chat for BoardGameArena
Mutes chat windows and sounds on BoardGameArena.com
16 users