CrunchyScore - MAL & Ani Score on Crunchyroll
Adds MyAnimeList and AniList scores to Crunchyroll anime
14 users
An extension for SuperCoach users to project future player prices. More updates on the way too!
14 users
Better Youtube Plus
Better Youtube + works to improve the Youtube experience.
14 users
9GAG AnonBlocker
Block posts of anonymous users in your stream on 9GAG
14 users
IDE Manipulator of CG * connect to a tchat twich and listen specific commands * apply those commands in CG IDE
14 users
YT Nothing PersonADS
Skip YouTube ads without being revealed!
14 users
RODB:ラグナロクオンライン Webブラウザ拡張
14 users
YouTube TF2Classic-ified
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include images from the Sourcemod Team Fortress 2 Classic developed by Eminoma
14 users
Fandom Wiki - Remove Sidebar
Removes the Fandom navigation sidebar because it pops open when moving a mouse between two monitors and stays open. I don't use it currently, but it could also be re-styled to be positioned horizontally.
14 users
Pixiv Pass
Preview a Pixiv artwork with its ID.
14 users
Nintendo 3DS Music
Listen to the Nintendo 3DS Music while adjusting your settings or shopping.
14 users
Twitch Live
Twitch Live is an extension that brings your followed Twitch streamers into a clean, modern, Twitch-styled interface.
14 users
PoE Wiki Trade Link
Adds a link to every PoEWiki page to the trade site for that item.
14 users
PokePaste Exporter
An extension that enables you to export your opponent's team from Pokemon Showdown and Limitless.
14 users
Better F1TV
Better F1 Video
14 users
Show comic title-text
Display the title-text below comic pages. No mouse hovering required.
13 users
Edge Translate
13 users
Adds extra information to the market pages of the game Torn helping you spot deals and products selling under market price!
13 users
Word of the Day (Wiktionary)
Fetches the word of the day from Wiktionary
13 users
Steamspy stats in steam store
Loads stats from steamspy and show them on steam store
13 users
Crunchyroll Dimming
Remove screen dimming effect in Crunchyroll
13 users
Wandering ProgressTracker
Tracks reading progress for the Wandering Inn web serial, and allows syncing of that progress across multiple devices.
13 users
PGN to Lichess
Quickly open PGNs and games in Lichess
13 users
Date Calculator with affiliate
You can check your age with days, months and years and also you can calculate the number of days between 2 dates
13 users
Type Tester
An extension that lets you test your words per minute (WPM), right in your browser!
13 users