ptYou - Star Citizen Contact Manager
This extension persists friends between test/live environments on
10 users
BMI Score Calculator
Calculator to calculate your BMI.
10 users
Realmeye Plus
Extension to Enhance your Experience on Realmeye!
10 users
Webcomic Reader
Webcomic Reader is a browser extension designed to enhance your webcomic reading experience.
10 users
Star Citizen Bulk XPLORer (Dwayde's mod)
This extension adds Bulk melt and gift funcitonality to the HangarXPLOR extension. (Modified by /u/Dwayde_Wade)
10 users
adds a training rating to all the codeforces users
10 users
مگادانلود - آدرس یاب
مگادانلود – دانلود و تماشای رایگان فیلم و سریال و انیمه بدون سانسور
10 users
Steam Explore Queue Skipper
Skips through Steam Discovery/Explore Queue 3 times. Skips through any explore queue started by the user.
10 users
Get Me Radio!
Your Radio and Podcast directory. Browse and listen to tons of Radio Stations and Podcasts!
10 users
force crunchyroll to use hardsub video
10 users
Yet Another Fork of Feather. Feather is a keybind script for r/d gameplay in NationStates. Originally by sw33ze, tweaked by Alex.
10 users
Steam Collection Size Viewer
Allows you to see Steam workshop collection size with just a click of a button.
10 users
Whitz Jai Tool
A tool for getting janitorai character data.
10 users
CBB - Youtube-Clickbait-Blocker
Tries to save you from annoying clickbait or unwanted youtubers in your youtube-recommendations!
10 users
Pardus Drug Clock
Track how many drugs you have consumed within Pardus (a MMORPG set in space) to ensure that you don't become too drugged.
10 users
replace 'blockchain' with 'fairly slow database' on websites because of a @manfightdragon Twete
10 users
Brings customization options and QoL improvements to to make Crunchyroll more usable. Eg darkmode, resizable player, custom backgrounds, default quality setting, toggleable autoplay and more.
10 users
Give money to others automatically on PTT(Taiwan BBS Site
10 users
MangaDex Speedloader
Stop loading images from MangaDex@Home.
10 users
YouTube App Opener
Automatically opens the YouTube app when the YouTube website is loaded in the Firefox mobile browser instead of having to navigate to "Open in App" manually.
10 users
Stremio Bridge
This extension is perfect for movie and TV show enthusiasts who discover content across various platforms but prefer watching it on Stremio with a single click.
10 users
✳️ 在豆瓣中显示微信读书的可读状态
10 users
YouTube Daily Time Limiter
Limits daily time spent on YouTube website, by throwing an alert when more than one hour has been spent.
10 users
Youtube Speed Ctrl, Autoplay, Spacebar
AUTOPLAY & SPACEBAR TWEAK DOES NOT WORK WITH UPCOMING YOUTUBE ALL-WHITE REDESIGN YET. IT WORKS WITH THE CURRENT DESIGN. Disables YouTube Autoplay. Spacebar pauses the video. Control video speeds: [ = slower ] = faster \ = default
10 users
Pokemon Showdown Elo Hider
At the end of Pokemon Showdown battles, this extension hides your elo changes (and your opponent's) to reduce stress.
10 users