Translate by Google
G-Translate support more than 100 languages. Right click and translate your selected text.
370 users
Tooltip Dictionary
찾고자 하는 단어에 마우스를 올리면 툴팁으로 사전을 제공합니다 현재 지원 언어: 영한 아이콘으로 쉽게 옵션을 조정할 수 있습니다
369 users
macOS Dictionary Lookup
Select words and look them up in macOS’s Dictionary application.
367 users
OCR + Translate
Open source addon + server (see description) combo to run OCR + translations of images on browser page. Uses freely available models and can run totally offline
367 users
Webpage text translator, customize your own style of popup block, and more.
364 users
Zend Debugger Toolbar
Provides integration with Zend debugging and profiling tools. If you would like to contribute, please visit the project home page:
363 users
347 users
Online Dictionary Helper
A translation popup tool to show online dictionary content (with anki support)
346 users
343 users
Ecriture·Inclusive·Facile — e·i·f
Remplace les points à l'intérieur des mots en points médians pendant que vous écrivez pour utiliser facilement l'écriture inclusive.
343 users
The Free Dictionary
Double-click a word on any website and instantly get its definition at, the world's most comprehensive dictionary! Or use the search bar to search directly from the browser toolbar.
342 users
Deadname-B-Gon replaces a given name on sites you visit with a better one. Tested to guarantee works well with Gmail and more!
341 users
Alpheios Reading Tools
The Alpheios Reading Tools add support for reading texts in Ancient Greek, Latin, Classical Arabic and Persian.
339 users
Relingo - Master words from any webpage
Reading based on interest and mastering vocabulary unconsciously
336 users
A simple translation extension for Firefox powered by DeepL
333 users
Localize pages to English. This translates the most important terms on the website, so that you can focus on your tsumego skills instead of having to figure out where to click.
320 users
Alinear Texto en Traductor de Google
Elimina los saltos de linea en la entrada de texto del Traductor de Google con solo presionar un boton.
316 users
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Right click any word and look up the definition from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
315 users
Change the font on any website to one installed on your computer or hosted on the web.
311 users
Figma 繁體中文翻譯
不用再為了看不懂英文而煩惱,盡情發揮創意透過 FIgma 設計各種東西吧! 這是款用於將 Figma 的使用者介面翻譯為繁體中文(台灣)的瀏覽器擴充套件。
307 users
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Search definition of selected text using Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
307 users
Adding furigana to kanji on Twitter
305 users
Adds automatic keyboard selection for based on user preferences.
299 users
Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web!
294 users
Pixie: Accessibility and Productivity Reader Addon
Text to Speech, Screen Shader, Reading Ruler, Dyslexia fonts (OpenDyslexic), ePub Reader View, Dictionary + more productivity tools
293 users