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21 users
تنسيق اللغة العربية - ChatGPT-RTL
بمساعدة هذه الاضافة ، سترى نص المحادثة في ChatGPT بشكلها الصحيحة باللغة العربية النص العربي من اليمين والانجليزية من اليسار. وايضا جميع اللغات الاخرى التي تكتب من اليمين الى اليسار مثل الفارسية والاوردو. RTL
21 users
Aksharamukha: Script Converter
Aksharamukha aims to provide script conversion between various scripts within the Indic/Asian cultural sphere.
21 users
YouTube No Translate
Prevents YouTube from translating videos titles. https://github.com/doguh/yt-no-translate
21 users
WordReference ITA
Cerca in WordReference ITA
20 users
Google Search Language Changer
Google Search Language Changer is an extension that allows you to quickly change your Google Search language preferences such as pages in the specified language and web interface language.
20 users
KiYomi turns your browser into a tool for building Japanese language literacy by helping you to decipher texts which would be otherwise too difficult tackle. It features a robust dictionary with EPWING and flashcard creation support.
20 users
Andaluh for Firefox
Transcribe la web a Andalûh EPA en tiempo real conforme navegasTranslate the web content to Andalûh EPA as you browse.
20 users
Orthographe rationnelle
Automatically respells web pages to a configurable spelling
20 users
Spell Checker
Press 'Ctrl' + 'Space' to prompt a menu where you can quickly choose the correct word by navigating with 'j' and 'k'. Select a word by pressing 'Tab', 'Space'. Feedback is highly appreciated :)
20 users
Ramz رمز
نسخ رمز ﷻ جل جلاله ورمز ﷺ صلى الله عليه وسلم، ملحق لتسهيل الوصول إلى الرموز الرقمية الإسلامية الشائع استعمالها على شبكة الإنترنت
20 users
Extension Firefox pour activer le glossaire français (traduction.drupal.fr) sur le serveur des traductions de Drupal (localize.drupal.org)
20 users
Copy Pound (£) and Other Symbols
Adds an icon to the toolbar. Click the icon to choose a symbol to copy to the clipboard. Included symbols are: - Pound (£) - Euro (€) - Yen (¥) - Dollar ($) - Cent (¢) - Copyright (©) - Trademark (™ or ®) - Degrees (°C or °F) - Bullet (•)
20 users
A user translation viewer for BOJ
20 users
MDN Language Redirector
Browse MDN in your preferred language.
19 users
This extension helps you learn Cantonese straight from your browser, by creating a Cantonese Popover Dictionary!
19 users
trello farsi | ترلو فارسی
fix font and direction of trello.com
19 users
Text on Tap captions overlay
Text on Tap in-browser real-time captions overlay. Visit "text-on-tap.live" for more information.
19 users
Language Lookup!
Highlight a word or phrase, right click it, then choose its language to look up its definition in that language! By default it's catered to my own personal preferences, so let me know if you like it and I'll add extra features to help you!
19 users
Progressive Immersion
A browser extension that progressively immerses you in a language. Using Google Translate we translate frequent words in sites you read to a language you want to learn!
19 users
Dreaming Spanish Importer
Automatically add video hours to Dreaming Spanish from YouTube.
19 users
Malayalam fonts package
-Malayalam script fallback fonts for Firefox (Android edition) Addon installs Malayalam font (Lohit-Malayalam.ttf / woff under SIL OFL 1.1 license) that enables proper rendering of
18 users
Sprawdza pisownię i gramatykę języka polskiego, podpowiada synonimy i poprawia styl tekstu.
18 users
Исправляет клавиатурную раскладку текста на верную.
18 users
Débusqueur d'anglicismes
Repérez facilement les anglicismes présents dans les articles français que vous lisez sur Internet.
18 users