JAWS Inspect is a web developer tool that reports how JAWS screen reader "sees" and "reads" a web page.
12 users
TranslateBase: Provide comprehensive,accurate and convenient AI intelligent translation tools.
12 users
Multilingual subtitles on WWDC videos. Note: This extension and the subtitles are unofficial.
12 users
& Chinese-English Dictionary
A simple Chinese-English dictionary with definition pop-up on mouse over text feature
11 users
Sinabro Small Dictionary
Unofficial Dictionary Add-On based on Daum Dictionary and kakao i translate service
11 users
An editing writing mistakes tool over text-areas
11 users
Phonetic Alphabet
Drop Down to easily see the phonetic alphabet
11 users
Wikidata One Click Info
This is an extension to look up data from Wikidata
11 users
Ruby Switch
Toggles visibility of ruby text such as furigana for Japanese kanji.
11 users
Latin dictionary
Translate Latin words (one at a time) by selecting them and choosing this extension in the context menu.
11 users
Simba Text Assistant
The Simba Text Assistant improves your reading experience by providing a simplified summary of webpages. Der Simba Text Assistent verbessert Ihr Leseerlebnis, indem er eine vereinfachte Zusammenfassung von Webseiten liefert.
11 users
Disable automatic Reddit translation
Removes the ?tl= parameter from Reddit URLs and reloads the page.
11 users
Persian Twitter
Improve Twitter & TweetDeck user experience for Persian users
11 users
Công cụ order hàng trên hệ thống Đặt Hàng Quảng Châu - DatHangQuangChau.com
11 users
Ĉapelisto converts webpages written in Esperanto from "ikso-sistemo" to tradicional Esperanto alphabet ("Cxapelisto" to "Ĉapelisto"). --- Ĉapelisto konvertas aŭtomate retpaĝojn el la ikso-sistemo al la tradicia supersigna sistemo.
11 users
macht.sprache. for sensitive translation
Minimize discrimination in translation.
11 users
WordMapDictionary | A visual dictionary/thesaurus
WordMapDictionary is a visual dictionary-cum-thesaurus. It uses a mindmap like interface to show relationships between words, definitions and other definitions. Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpiTcyWFs0
11 users
sitelen pona in Google Docs
Allows sitelen pona characters to be rendered in Google Docs and Sheets, with support for Google Slides hopefully coming in the nearby future.
11 users
The add-on romanizes (converts to latin script) the text of loaded pages, if language is enabled and web page is included. Languages: Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Greek ... It shows the pronunciation of English words.
11 users
JS Search Extension
The ultimate search extension for Javascript!
11 users
Multilingual Fox
파이어폭스를 위한 어학 사전 확장 기능. A simple dictionary extension for firefox.
11 users
Écriture inclusive ? Non merci.
Traduit les textes utilisant l'écriture inclusive en français Un petit bouton apparaît dans la barre d'outil du navigateur, appuyer dessus enlève les écritures inclusives de la page web.
11 users
Replaces the most common forms of gendered language by a gender clown🤡.
10 users
Add block quotation marks around lines of text or regular quotes around some text in editor fields. Block quotes: Select the lines you want to quote or put the cursor to the line that should be quoted and press the toolbar button or [Ctrl]+[E].
10 users
Write Mail AI
Write Mail AI is an advanced email writing assistant powered by artificial intelligence. It offers free access without the need to log in.
10 users