Kurdish Unicode - Ali K Converter
Convert between Kurdish Unicode and Ali-K, with features such as light/dark modes, drag-and-drop, and quick triple-click copying.
5 users
Thai Text Enlarger
Enlarges Thai characters
5 users
Character Input
Allows entering of unicode and alt-key characters. Designed for Ex Libris Alma. Version 3 of Unicode Input
5 users
Jogo da Velha Plus com uma opções de mais idiomas para você se divertir e compartilhar e desafiar seu amigos, colegas e familiares.
5 users
KV-RU popup dictionary
Используется для перевода на русский язык отдельных коми слов одним кликом. Для использования выделите слово или словосочетание, но не более 3х, нажмите клавиши Ctrl+Alt+T или Ctrl+Alt+G.
5 users
Kannada Dictionary
Offline Kannada - English dictionary. Double-click any word to view selected words meaning in a small pop-up bubble.
5 users
Pāli dictionary and sutta search using Simsapa Dhamma Reader.
5 users
Vocabulary to Google Sheet
Save examples from dictionaries to Google Sheet in one click.
5 users
5 users
App Store Review Templates
An browser web extension which add templating generic answer support to app store reviews website including Google Play Store. oogle Play Store.
5 users
Frag Caesar Suche Erweiterung
Fügt eine Suchoption für frag-caesar.de hinzu. Durch den Button unten an der Suchleiste kann ein Begriff sofort über frag-caesar.de gesucht werden.
5 users
ChhoeTaigi 找台語
Hō͘ pīntōaⁿlâng ê Chhōe Tâigí Sûtián kesi
5 users
あなたは怪しい日本語をFirefoxで生成することができます! (You can generate suspicious Japanese in Firefox!)
5 users
Māori Dictionary Lookup
Look up selected word at maoridictionary.com
5 users
Vocab learner with common foreign words injected into your english websites.
5 users
Languages.ai Extension
Translates words and enables you to save them to your lists and to repeat them everywhere on the web.
5 users
Anki Hanja Creator
Create Hanja flashcards from hanja.dict.naver.com for Anki!
5 users
Tolgee Tools
Translate your web application more effectively with Tolgee plugin!
5 users
Sentence Follower
Highlights the current sentence when hovering over text
4 users
lina_dicto for webextension
word translate esperanto to japanese. lina_dicto for webextension は、ブラウザ上でEsperantoの単語の上にマウスオーバーすると、日本語翻訳をホバー表示(ツールチップ表示)するブラウザ拡張です。
4 users
BØF me
Change Brøndby to BØF
4 users
Chinese (Taiwan) Translation for shadowlog.com. Translating names of decks and classes from Japanese to Chinese.
4 users
DictZone svéd magyar szótár
1. Jelöld ki a nem ismert szót az oldalon. 2. Kattints a jobb egérgombbal a kijelölt szón (helyérzékeny menü előhozása). 3. Kattints a bal egérgombbal a "Keresés a DictZone Svéd-Magyar szótárban: ..." keresésednek megfelelő menüpontján.
4 users
Kanzi can help you build English vocabulary while surfing the web. Whenever you encounter a word that you don't know yet, add it to Kanzi! The next time you see the word, you can hover over it and see its meaning right away!
4 users
Translate Netflix captions.
4 users