Local Native
Local Native App is a cross-platform tool to save and sync your notes in local SQLite database without going through any centralized service.
39 users
Twitch Reward Clicker
Clicks on the twitch reward button automatically. That's it.
39 users
Night Time Data on SLT Usage Meter
Displays Night Time Data on SLT usage meter.
39 users
Base64 URL Decoder & Opener
Decode a base64 URL (even encoded twice) and open it in the tab to the right.
39 users
Link your File
Companion for the LinkYourFile desktop app to skip the link page.
39 users
Event Regist helper on google calendar.
Quick Append event on google calendar from event text like agenda : xxxx date: 2018/03/04 13:00~14:00 *) You can't try in like this plugin page. I could try twitter(jp) page.
39 users
JS Beautifier settings tweaks
Changes jsbeautifier.org to have 4 spaces, no wrap, and be JSLint-happy by default.
39 users
Quizizz Master
Rozszerzenie pozwalające na szybkie i dyskretne kopiowanie treści pytania na platformie Quizizz w przyjaznej formie dla chatów AI i wyszukiwarek. Dzięki temu jesteśmy uzyskać poprawną odpowiedź w stosunkowo niskim czasie.
39 users
Use existing prompts or create your own with PRMDB for ChatGPT
39 users
Scrutinizer for GitHub and Bitbucket
This addon makes available Scrutinizer analysis results and code intelligence directly inside the GitHub and Bitbucket websites.
39 users
TZ Clock
Calendar and clock showing multiple time zones
39 users
YTex YouTube Extension
Adds skip controls to YouTube html5 player. You can skip the current video forwards or backwards by 10 seconds.
39 users
Email Verifier
MailDump Verifier, a powerful tool that helps verify an email address or validate email addresses in bulk as you go, whilst you browse websites. The MailDump Verifier removes invalid email addresses and reduces bounce rates.
39 users
FX OSK DE (fixed)
german On-Screen Keyboard for FireFox, fixed /options/ folder
39 users
Adds buttons to various map services for opening the displayed location in a different map service.
39 users
Open in Popup
Open a link in the popup.
39 users
Sexy LCD clock
Firefox 57+ compatible awesome LCD clock extension which is showing on the top-right of your screen. Features: 1. It ticks every hour/half-hour 2. It disappears when you hovering cursor on it
39 users
Cost of driving in Google Maps
Automatically show the cost of rides by your vehicle in the Google Maps' list of routes based on the current average fuel price.
39 users
History Exporter | Web Wrapped
Export browsing history CSV format.
39 users
Translator! extension is a must have add-on which makes your world easier to translate to multiple foreign languages. Ultralight Add-on | 5.5kb
39 users
niconico loop
39 users
Thinking Claude
Let Claude think. Makes Claude's thinking process expandable and collapsible.
39 users
babica addon para copiar e colar
39 users
简便快速的将火狐中的内容发送到 flomo
39 users
Detector nova aba E-orbis Detector de CID para o E-orbis. Só funciona no ERP E-orbis, não serve para ser usado fora de conjunto com o ERP E-orbis.
39 users