Quick note
Allows the user to make quick notes by clicking a button and entering text into the resulting popup. The notes are saved in storage.
16 users
VPN Sumo
Free VPN and Proxy Services free of charge!
16 users
Cleary is a URL redirector that helps employees find information at their company quickly. Type go/<some-link> in the browser and it'll redirect to the link registered in Cleary. You must login to your Cleary account before redirecting works.
16 users
Zenhub Helper
This is a helper for Zenhub to maximize/restore Zenhub's working space when working with Zenhub plugin for Github.
16 users
Your assistant automatically compresses every image you download, helping you save space and keep your desktop clean.
16 users
Fork of BetterNaifuYTG for personal use.
16 users
Email Finder
Finds and stores emails on pages you visit
16 users
Robot Mesh Connect
Allows Robot Mesh Studio website to communicate with USB ports of VEX EDR and VEX IQ robotics kits
16 users
Notifies you of new messages and posts on reddit.
16 users
ABCPRO SIP Integration for Firefox
Dodatek do integracji BAW z SIP Legalis dla przeglądarki Firefox. Współpracuje z oprogramowaniem firmy ABC PRO Sp. z o.o.
16 users
Surf Clock
Keep track of the time you spend surfing on the web.
16 users
Hide Youtube Shorts permanently
Hide YouTube Shorts for good. Not just for 30 days.
16 users
MedioAI: Enhance Udio
Write lyrics with Song Studio, Tag Builder, AI Radio, AI Co-Writer, 13k+ Tags, Audio Tools, Lyric Commands & More!
16 users
Extension Click2Call pour votre ligne VOIP OVH!
16 users
Hello Talent
Source and qualify candidates anywhere you find them on the web
16 users
Page Top and Bottom
Adds controls to navigate a page to the top or to the bottom
16 users
MSN to Outlook Redirect
Redirects MSN URL to Outlook login page.
16 users
Re-enters the answers you choose from the last time you took a quiz. Only works on instructure.com subdomains.
16 users
Discord chat in sidebar
discord chat in sidebar
16 users
Site Issue Triage
Internal addon for Mozillians that need to triage reported site issues.
16 users
Big Navigation
enlarging the navigation links on the pages
16 users
Kolotibablo bot 6
16 users
Linkly for Firefox makes it easy to make Linkly tracking links from webpages you're visiting.
16 users
Accent Copier
Copy accents from your favorite language, in a beautiful GUI that makes finding the right one a breeze. The days of remembering long ALT codes or searching the web for a copy & paste are over!
16 users
Word of The Hour
Word of The Hour shares one vocabulary word every hour along with translations into French, German, Hindi, Italian, and Spanish.
16 users