Habits by Artemis
A New Tab replacement that keeps your short-term and long-term habits on track.
4 users
Geni Julian Calendar
Adds buttons to convert date fields from julian to gregorian calendars and vice-versa
4 users
Link Tree
Displays the link URL of the web page in a tree format.
4 users
Youtube Chat Remover
Open Source Youtube Chat Remover
4 users
Eurofurence Badger
Enhances your visit to the Eurofurence website by adding new badges to pages that have been updated since you last viewed them. Source: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/453b9e24038be7b014e8de1addb22bce57aa869fc6fd6a34201e1db5f4841d56/https%3A//github.com/dogpixels/ef-badger" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/dogpixels/ef-badger</a>
4 users
PontoMais Melhorado
Extensão para calcular a quantidade de horas necessárias para completar a jornada de trabalho.
4 users
Annoying Modal remover
Avoid that boring modal window asking to join as member when visiting <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/26ee050d5d31b7e6aa5ef9a6755f52c35ba095a742120f7dc79f80e0271e1bcf/http%3A//eluniversal.com.mx" rel="nofollow">eluniversal.com.mx</a>
4 users
X to Y
Replace words and links on the web
4 users
Notebook Viewer Button for Github
View ipynb files in the nbviewer by clicking on the button in the toolbar.
4 users
Youtube Shortless
Say goodbye to Youtube Shorts infinite-scroll hell.
4 users
AdShield Guardian
A powerful ad blocker with advanced features to enhance your browsing experience
4 users
Crunchyroll Comments
An extension which has a 3d party version of Crunchyroll comments #bringbackcrunchyrollcomments
4 users
Hover Zoom for Thumbnails
Phóng to hình ảnh thumbnail khi di chuột qua.
4 users
Crowdin Strings in Comments
This extension shows you any linked strings in comments on Crowdin.
4 users
Wider Chat on OpenAI
Applies a custom CSS style to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d81c5823a6107d691184dd56743716553dc9c92524cebe8947c0965eade7bf7c/https%3A//chat.openai.com" rel="nofollow">https://chat.openai.com</a> and its subpages.
4 users
Save and copy your frequently used text with ease
4 users
Jalali Date Convertor
Convert Jalali(Shamsi) date to Gregorian date and vice versa . جهت تبدیل تاریخ شمسی به میلادی و برعکس تاریخ جلالی
4 users
Удобный инструмент для отправки туристам списка туров с ценами по e-mail или смс.
4 users
lina_dicto for webextension
word translate esperanto to japanese. lina_dicto for webextension は、ブラウザ上でEsperantoの単語の上にマウスオーバーすると、日本語翻訳をホバー表示(ツールチップ表示)するブラウザ拡張です。
4 users
Switch between code panes on CodePen, JSFiddle, and other online code editors, right from the keyboard.
4 users
This extension allows to add the current open page as a Meemo note.
4 users
Simple WebPage Notepad
Σου επιτρέπει να δημιουργείς πρόχειρες σημειώσεις σε κάθε Ιστοσελίδα.
4 users
Coding Dynamic theme
Shows a new theme every hour. The theme is related to coding.
4 users
StingerNET Tool
This extension allows posting of data from the online game Utopia to StingerNET for use on the website/bot. It supports posting of all intel, attacks, ops, selfspells, aid, and dragon information. Further information can be found on the StingerNET.
4 users
AMO Admin Assistant
Some simple tools to facilitate AMO (<a rel="nofollow" href="http://addons.mozilla.org">addons.mozilla.org</a>) administration. This is only useful for AMO admins.
4 users