Fast History
move web history 5 or 10 pages or more at one time on tab. If you click toolbar button, popup 8~ buttons, so you push as you like. 5 , 10 ,go / back , or 100% forawrd history ... and so on.
4 users
Compare MoodleDocs
Visit any page within the MoodleDocs (DE or EN), right-click, select „Compare MoodleDocs“ plus the version to compare with. A diff checker will visualize the differences.
4 users
SVJ+ Importer
Import dat z Katastru nemovitostí pro
4 users
niconico omnibox
open niconico with content id like 'sm9' on omnibox
4 users
Rick Roll Guardian
Protects you from rick rolls. If you open a Rick Roll link, the extension will show an alert, and redirect you to safety.
4 users
Simply Copy Current Page Link
Simplest browser extension to simply copy current page link.
4 users
ADSB Exchange FlightAware Linker
A Firefox addon that automatically adds a link to flightaware for flight plan checking
4 users
Genesys Chat Transcript Export
Wtyczka do exportowania rozmów na czacie z Genesys Cloud do pliku TXT
4 users
ホワイトリスト以外のクッキーを一括削除できます。 クッキー全削除する時に、 ホワイトリストに書かれた必要なサイトのクッキーだけを保護して他を全削除できます。 全てのクッキーをテキストファイルに書き出すこともできる。
4 users
Unlock Articles Instantly! Yulia now supports all major browsers and provides even faster access to archived content. Read any article, anywhere, without limits!
4 users
Simplify the tracking of streaming manifests and subtitles while enabling the detection and download of custom media files with this extension.
4 users
XKCD Newtab
Replaces your newtab with a random xkcd.
4 users
lookup with tratu
E-V dictionary
4 users
This extension allows Isabelle math syntax on GitHub to be appropriately typeset.
4 users
Easiest way to send a screenshot to your clipboard.
4 users
Anything To Anything
replace any term with anything, everywhere. cloud->butt millenial->snake peopel, blockchain->slow database
4 users
Alt New Tab
Alt+[Shift]+N to open an alternative new tab that contains your HTML and script without focus the address bar
4 users
ISBN Search & Lookup
Generate search links for any ISBN found on the webpage.
4 users
Kattis Tracker
Automatically upload Kattis problem solutions to a GitHub repository of your choice and track your progress with this extension!
4 users
I2P Proxy for Android and other Systems
This sets up a proxy across an entire browser profile which automatically configures it to use I2P for every connection, and automatically sets minimum privacy settings available to WebExtensions.
4 users
This extension enables the user to use new functions of Fogis
4 users
clean annoying timeouts from websites
4 users
Binary Split & Merge
Easily split or merge files via binary data buffer (ArrayBuffer) in your browser!
4 users
Shortcuts that quickly take you to search results on other sites. Example: !a shoes will take you to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
4 users
TheVentury New Tab
new Tab Experience for TheVentury
4 users