Autoliker <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
taki se idle clicker po nic w przerwie
2 users
ASAP Semiconductor
Searching availability of electronic, NSN, aircraft, aerospace and aviation parts at ASAP Semiconductor from any website just got easy. Select the part name, hit right click, and select “Find Part Number with ASAP Semiconductor”.
2 users
Jira Timer
Adds timer for comfortable jira version 4.3.4 work logging.
2 users
Sharkys inofficial Chrome Extension for Geizhals
A chrome browser extension with only one feature (thus far): to show PassMark benchmark results for processors next to the listings on Geizhals.
2 users
No More Irrelevant Twitter Notifications!
Colors Twitter's "In case you missed it" notifications and promoted tweets to make them easy to skim over. Mouse over to read.
2 users
Добавляет на гильд-страницу кнопку формирования таблицы статистики. При нажатии на кнопку выводит таблицу, содержащую статистические данные по всем героям из гильдии в удобном для обработки виде, в щадящем для сервера режиме - по 1 герою в минуту.
2 users screen share
This firefox extension enables screen capturing for <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
2 users
This addon monitors your clipboard and automatically appends its content onto any tab on which it's been activated. This addons works on firefox version 54.0 and later.
2 users
Fund holding Assist
get real time net value, growth rate, and estimate value of a fund.
2 users
Complemento que adiciona algumas funcionalidades ao GeoSampa, o SIG da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo
2 users
Tarkov Price Checker
Add prices of items to the wiki entries
2 users
Hot-key to fuzzy search links/buttons and quickly navigate a webpage without a mouse.
2 users
2 users
Snappy Cash
Enhances Bitcoin Cash plain-text addresses and Cash Accounts displayed on page with scannable QR codes for desktop tipping via mobile wallets and integrated Badger Wallet widgets.
2 users
Autolikes all Youtube Videos that you watched over 80%.
2 users
Fusion 360 Forum UI+
Removes annoying black header bar and replaces the default autodesk header logo with a Fusion 360 logo, redirecting to the forum homepage. Obviously only when you are navigating on the Fusion 360 Forum.
2 users
Workspace ONE Finder
Quickly open any app you have access to from VMware Workspace One
2 users
Axios Scraper
An useful extension to copy html of a page.
2 users
Copy School Sidekick
Exclusively for students of Copy School by Copyhackers! The easiest way to get step-by-step copywriting training when you need it most. For your specific copy asset, task and target. So you can deliver better marketing results.
2 users
一键添加豆瓣条目 豆瓣:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Github: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 users
Helps to Developer and QA while testing application
2 users
Статистика продаж ваших конкуренов в одном сервисе
2 users
Wire Hobo
an interface to a wire-hobo server
2 users
When you want google's logo to show up how they view their world. Diversity in color/gender but not in thought.
2 users