Blockchain replacement
Replaces the word blockchain with database.
1 user
Adetpia View All Clicker
Automatically clicks the View All button on Adeptia when viewing a project.
1 user
Block reddit pages unless coming from a search engine, to avoid wasting time.
1 user
Create screenshots of websites and share them via skynet
1 user
My Corona
Replace coronavirus with Corona beer and take the edge off.
1 user
Copy2Clip Pass
An Extension that will copy password from password fields to clipboard without making it visible.
1 user
Adds a video controller to the browser so that youtube videos can be controlled from any tab
1 user
Rinkt recorder and player
Records and plays browser actions. Design your custom workflow using Rinkt Studio desktop application.
1 user
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Super-Traf.RU</a> - Реклама и заработок.
1 user
HireSweet Extension
Enhance your LinkedIn and Google Calendar with HireSweet profiles data. Automate your LinkedIn tasks.
1 user
Textes légaux utiles aux forces de l'ordre belges.
1 user
Prevents you from binge-watching recommended YouTube videos.
1 user
Tabletop Adventure Journal
An organised journal for Tabletop adventure games.
1 user
Zorglub 2022
Module qui grand remplace "Zemmour" par "Zorglub".
1 user
OAS - Password Manager
A secure and free password manager for all of your devices.
1 user
Serey Keychain
Secure serey Wallet Extension. forked from steem keychain
1 user
Adventure Time Random Episode
Adds random episode functionality to 'adventure.time-best'
1 user
Artesgo Todos
A simple to-do list extension that let's you group tasks into categories. Expand and collapse categories. Categories with no more tasks are auto removed No signin or connection required, and your data is yours to manage Simple white and dark theme
1 user
Mindful Motivator
Displays animated images and uplifting quotes in your new tab, providing daily doses of inspiration and motivation.
1 user
Timeline of the Earth's history.
1 user
Banana Time
Simplifies time reporting in the IFS system by allowing the user to specify worked hours instead of start and stop time.
1 user
Offline Email Reader
A Mozilla addon to create and manage offline email reading list.
1 user
Reverse Image Search
It provides reverse image search capabilities on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex, TinEye and Karma Decay
1 user
BF WWC Calculator
A quick way to calculate your WWC
1 user