Multi-Keywords Highlighter
Highlights given keywords on any web page you visit.
941 users
Tree Style Tab Mouse Wheel
This add-on requires Tree Style Tab. It extends Tree Style Tab to allow tab changing by mouse wheel scrolling and reloading a tab when double clicking it.
936 users
Traducir con DeepL
Agrega la opción traducir el texto seleccionado con DeepL en el menú contextual
935 users
Discord Token Login
login to discord with a user token
934 users
Perfect Home
Replace your new-tab page and home page with your bookmarks. No ads, no speed dials, no frequently visited or other "frecency" bullshit! Just your own, predictable grid of links.
933 users
Speed Reader
An extension to help you read faster and more thoroughly.
932 users
Auto Form
Copy/Paste all fields from a web form (with hotkey or contextual menus)
929 users
IIIF Download
Allows user to download fullsize content from digital libraries serving content using IIIF technology.
928 users
Count me up - Word and character counter
Word and character counter
926 users
Minsait eSignature Web Extension
Complemento intermediario entre una aplicación web y una aplicación nativa para realizar firmas digitales.
924 users
OpenOffice Excel online for xls spreadsheets
Create and edit xls and xlsx spreadsheets with OpenOffice Excel online
923 users
JSON Beautifier & Editor
Display JSON objects by transforming them into Syntax editable highlighted HTML
922 users
Pins the same websites across browser restarts.
921 users
Twitter Demetricator
Twitter Demetricator hides all the metrics on Twitter. Follower, like, and retweet counts all disappear. The result lets you try out Twitter without the numbers, to see what happens when you can no longer judge yourself or others in metric terms.
921 users
Navigate up one level (directory). It will remove an in-page anchor, the querystring, the file, and the last directory in that order, whichever is first found...
913 users
Teams Phone Fix
Fixes Microsoft Teams phone functionality by using the user agent from Microsoft Edge.
912 users
Расширение позволяет зарабатывать деньги за просмотр рекламы.
906 users
WebSerial for Firefox
WebSerial API Polyfill for Mozilla Firefox browser
906 users
Quora Login Bypass
Lets you Bypass Quora Login. A Quora Blog shared this trick/hack so that knowledge can be shared without restriction. If you are logged in, it won't do anything. But say you are not logged in (or using private window), then this comes handy.
904 users
Book Report
Book Report is the best way for indie authors and publishers to track their sales data. It automatically fetches your latest sales numbers and turns them into simple, insightful reports. We don't ask for your password.
904 users
Toggle darkmode
Adds a button to enable or disable global dark mode. Manual configuration is required since the default colors are still black text on white background.
902 users
Pinboard WebExtension
Easily add links to Pinboard. A remake of the old official Pinboard extension.
901 users
Transparent standalone images
This add-on renders standalone images on a transparent background, so you can see the image in all its glory!
900 users
Advanced Java Launch
Java desktop launcher. Requires compatible web pages and native application plus Java. The extension uses downloads API and native application API to mediate between browser and Java.
900 users
Zoho Annotator
The most elegant and efficient annotation tool.
900 users